Tehaudit Bi Ai
Information Technology
Since 2022
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
123592, st. Kulakova, 20, building 1, †./floor III/11, part of the com. 17
Since 2022
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
123592, st. Kulakova, 20, building 1, †./floor III/11, part of the com. 17
Sergey Alexandrovich Shurgin - 5%
Tatyana Alekseevna Lakeeva - 25.7%; Anatoly Korotkov - 25.7%; Tatyana Sergeevna Selezneva - 25.7%; Tselikov Evgeny Viktorovich - 5%.
effective November 23, 2022)
Tehaudit Bi Ai, a separate legal entity of the TechAudit group, develops its competencies in the field of data visualization and analysis. The company provides services for developing BI solutions and migrating existing BI content to the open source platform Apache Superset.
2023: Participation in TAdviser SummIT
Tehaudit Bi Ai, which specializes in information visualization and analysis, will participate in TAdviser SummIT 2023. Read more here.