To tesla
Electrical equipment and microelectronics
Since 2001
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
Yuzhnoportovaya St., 9B
Since 2001
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
Yuzhnoportovaya St., 9B
The Tesli group performs the activity since 2001. The company works in the field of sales of electric equipment and engineering services with the unrolled business structure. The range of goods products make more than hundred European and Russian producers. Along with sales of goods and the equipment the company renders services in design, installation and commissioning of power supply systems and automation at the enterprises, public objects, in residential buildings and cottages.
Representations are open in the cities: Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Saratov, Novosibirsk.