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2022: Launch of a medical oxygen plant for 120 million rubles in Dagistan

On September 27, 2022, the official launch of the first medical oxygen plant in the North Caucasus Federal District took place. The company's enterprise "Trastfarma" was opened in the village of Lenincent, Kirovsky District, Makhachkala. More than 120 million rubles were invested in the project, of which 80.7 million rubles were provided in the form of a loan by the Industrial Development Fund under the program "Countering Epidemic Diseases," another 40 million rubles were invested by the initiator of the project. The company will employ 13 employees.

They were forced to carry oxygen from Volgograd and Taganrog. There were difficulties with supplies. Therefore, work was urgently organized to increase the production of technical and medical oxygen on the spot, in the republic. The corresponding investment project for the construction of an enterprise for the production of medical oxygen was implemented by Trastfarma LLC in a very short time, - said the chairman of the government of Dagestan Abdulmuslim Abdulmuslimov.

A plant for the production of medical oxygen was built in Dagestan

According to him, the full load of the plant's capacity will make it possible to produce 1.8 thousand tons of oxygen annually. The enterprise will provide the need not only for institutions health care of the republic medical in oxygen, but will also be able to produce products necessary for enterprises of the national economy, for example, for complexes for growing fish and other consumers.

In addition, by the end of 2022, it is planned to commission a number of additional medical facilities, purchase and supply updated medical equipment (379 units for 200 million rubles), as well as purchase new vehicles (91 units for 83 million rubles) to provide the population with high-quality and modern medical care, he said.

LLC Trastfarma, according to the SPARK-Interfax system, was registered in 2013, the founder of the company is Sirazhudin Sirazhudinov (100%). The main activity is the production of industrial gases.[1]

