Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Uniform purse, EC


Key activities of the company: payment of services, payment service.

The NKO LLC company Uniform Cash desk operates with the international payment online service of Wallet One in the territory of the Russian Federation. The Wallet One system is a service of payment acceptance for online stores. Supports "A uniform purse", Ukash, Z-Payment, RBK Money, MoneyMail, bank cards, payment through Russian Post, money transfer systems of CONTACT and Unistream, payment terminals of Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. More than 7 million clients use services of service.


The Central Bank of the Russian Federation made the decision on expansion of the banking license of one of participants of a payment service of Wallet One — RNKO "Uniform Cash Desk".

The decision was made on the basis of studying of steady positive dynamics of growth, fivefold increase in the capital and the development strategy due to implementation of the innovation financial technological solutions.

The expanded license gives the chance to perform currency transactions, to open accounts to the Russian and foreign companies. It allows to increase even more the potential of the Russian participant of a payment service of Wallet One provided also in 15 countries, such as the USA, Poland, Latvia, Ukraine, CIS countries, Republic of South Africa, Zambia, Mozambique.

RNKO "Uniform Cash Desk" is not engaged in classical banking, and implements the innovative finance solutions for online stores, payment services, service providers, the international marketplaces and also provides ready-made solutions including for traditional banks.