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Ural Power Engineering Institute of Ural Federal University





2024: Cladding the building with solar panels

In Russia, for the first time, a 12-story building was exposed with solar panels. This became known in mid-August 2024. This unique installation appeared on the facade of the Ural Energy Institute, which is part of the UrFU in Yekaterinburg. 144 solar panels were placed on the south wall of the building, turning the facade into a full-fledged solar power station.

According to Komsomolskaya Pravda, the power of this photovoltaic station is 65 kilowatts. Panels with a total area of ​ ​ 300 square meters are capable of generating electricity, which is enough to light 20 apartments. However, it is not yet possible to fully provide the building with electricity, but individual premises - such as corridors and offices - already receive electricity from the operation of the station.

For the first time in Russia, a 12-story building was lined with solar panels

According to the head of the laboratory of the Center for Environmentally Tolerant power Based on Nuclear, Renewable and Non-Traditional Energy Sources, Ural Federal University Andrei Matveev, the solar station has two main goals. The first goal is a scientific study in which experts analyze the economic feasibility of using such objects in the Urals. The second goal is educational: university students learn to work with renewable energy sources in preparation for the operation of modern equipment.

This is the first vertical facade solar power plant in Russia. According to the publication, most often solar panels are installed at an angle to the sun to maximize energy production. However, the Ural climate, characterized by a long snow period, caused the choice of the vertical location of the panels.

According to Vladimir Velkin, professor at the Department of Nuclear Power Plants and Renewable Energy Sources of the Ural Federal University, the vertical arrangement ensures energy generation even in winter, when snow could accumulate on the panels. Even a minimal layer of snow would impede energy generation in traditional sloping installation, but the vertical arrangement avoids this problem and ensures stable electricity generation throughout the year.[1]
