Utilex Utilex
Since 1989
Siberian Federal District of the Russian Federation
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
630055, Ivanov St. 4
Top managers:
Tikunov Vladimir Vladimirovich
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Products & Services
The company provides services in the following directions:
- Consulting in the field of architecture and design of data processing centers
- R&D (Custom developments)
- Modular data processing centers
- Systems of ensuring fault tolerance of DPC
Financial Performance
Consolidated revenues of the company in 2007 were 749,453 thousand rubles that for 83.3% exceeded a similar indicator of 2006 in 408,894 thousand rubles (according to CNews Analitics).
2016: Release of the systems of uninterrupted power under own brand
On August 23, 2016 the Utilex company announced the beginning of production of uninterruptible power supply units under own trademark.
World Data Centres of NOTA and DataStone are completed with uninterruptible power supply units under the Utilex brand now.
According to the OEM agreement with the Chinese producer of electric power supply systems the Utilex company acquired the right to create the systems of uninterrupted power for self-produced modular data processing centers under the Utilex brand.
The offered uninterruptible power supply units:
- Mounted in modular UPSes with power up to 40 kVA are resistant (for World Data Centres of DataStone +);
- Modular UPSes with power up to 600 kVA (for World Data Centres of NOTA).
The complete set of data centers of the UPS of the Utilex brand will allow partners and clients of the company:
- Purchase Modular DPCs of lines of NOTA and DataStone at lower price;
- Reduce terms of production of World Data Centres;
- Select the solution which capacities correspond to requirements from the wide range, saving at the same time a possibility of flexible scaling in the future;
- Receive the unified service "from some hands".
The strategy of "Utilex" – to become the producer of all engineering systems of data processing centers. We already completely make own enclosing structures of World Data Centres, the system of placement of the equipment, precision conditioning, monitoring and management. Therefore inclusion of the systems of uninterrupted power in a line of our products "Utilex" was the planned step long ago. At this stage we considered creation of production of a full stroke economically inexpedient therefore held negotiations with a number of Asian producers from we as which partner selected the company whose solutions and conditions of cooperation more conformed to our requirements. Valentyn Foss, marketing director and to sale of "Utilex" |
New product - small-size mobile DPC of DataStone mini. Effective and economic solution for offices, representative offices of geographically distributed divisions, shops and.t.
Specialists of the direction of business Content management of the Novosibirsk company "Utilex" started own business – ECMGroup.Pro
In 2010 the company made the decision to change the development strategy and was focused on development and production of own infrastructure products. By this moment of "Utilex" makes and implements three families of the patented developments:
- autonomous pre-fabricated infrastructure of DPC of NOTA ("DPC from a container")
- small-size DPC of DataStone ("DPC in a corridor")
- management system for climate of Clever Breeze.
1989 - 2000
"Utilex" reckons the activity since 1989. During formation the company specialized in deliveries of the computer equipment and component parts based on local networks (training classes).
In 1990 the company became the authorized seller of world manufacturer - Hewlett Packard corporations. Within the signed partnership agreement the company delivered laser printers, servers, large-format plotters.
In 1994 the company became the certified Service-Partner of Hewlett Packard and the first in Russia began to perform warranty and post warranty maintenance of the equipment of HP.
Within the 2000th years the share of services in creation of information and network infrastructure of customers constantly increased in turnover of the company. So, by data for 2002, in a total turnover of the company the share of services in the field of system integration made 32%, supply of equipment – 62%, software development – 4% and about 2% was the share of the services of a hosting provided by the company.
For years of work of "Utilex" as specialists projects on consulting in IT across all territory of Russia and also in the Republic of Kazakhstan are implemented.