Xiaozhu - the service of short-term lease of housing founded in 2012 working in China. By the end of 2018 more than 500 thousand offers from owners of the real estate and intermediaries are posted on the website Xiaozhu.
2018: Implementation of "smart" locks with face recognition
At the end of 2018 Xiaozhu announced the beginning of implementation of "smart" locks with face recognition in houses and apartments which are suggested to rent using service. The new technology, the identity of tenants allowing to check, became a part of great efforts on improvement of protection and security in the fast-growing market of short-term lease of housing.
Xiaozhu lays great hopes on "smart" locks with face recognition and is going to install in 2019 them for 80% a real estate, offers on which are posted on the website of service, in Chengdu — the second in size of Xiaozhu revenue the city.
In addition to broad use of scanning of persons for check of the identity of the user, Xiaozhu will use also other technologies for security. In particular, equipment of a large number of apartments is planned by smoke detectors, signaling devices of a gas leak and a security alarm. Besides, the black list of tenants who behave during stay in houses of owners badly will be created.
A few years ago we most of all worried that people do not want to provide the houses to strangers. Now sharing of housing became the industry therefore we need to do more for problem solving of all parties involved in it — the chief executive of Xiaozhu Kelvin Chen Chi said. |
The state information center of the People's Republic of China (State Information Center) counted that in 2017 in Celestial Empire 78 million people used services of short-term lease of housing, including those who lease and remove houses and apartments. The volume of this market is estimated at 14.5 billion yuans (about $2.1 billion).[1]
See Also
- Read Also: Biometric market today
- Biometric identification (market of Russia)
- National Biometric Platform (NBP)
- Single Biometric System (SBS) of these clients of banks
- Biometric identification (world market)
- Technologies of biometric identification
- Systems of face recognition
- Myths of biometrics
- Short history of biometrics
- Biometrics and border control
- Biometric systems of accounting of working time
- Video surveillance systems
- Video analytics
- Authentication systems
- Cybersecurity - Fraud detection system (fraud)