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Fresh Market





+ OK Hypermarket Network

Trade network "YES!" (LLC Freshmarket) - a project of O'KAY Group of Companies, one of the largest grocery retailers in Russia.



The share of the network "YES!" in the total revenue of the group "O KAY" amounted to 17.7 percent, based on the report for the first half of 2021. In monetary terms, this amounted to 15.7 billion rubles.

The profitability of the discounter segment in terms of EBITDA increased by 46.1% year-on-year for the first half of 2021.

2020: Network growth to 118 stores

For 2020, revenue 'YES!' Increased by 45.2 percent. 18 stores were opened in Moscow and the Moscow Region, the total number of chains reached 118. At the same time, in 2021, "O KAY" is going to open 35-40 new stores "YES!," and starting from 2022 50-60 new discounters will be opened annually.

One of the competitive advantages of 'YES!' is the offer of own brands, which bring networks more than 50% of revenue.

2015: Start network "YES!"

The first stores under the "YES!" brand opened in September 2015. OKEI Group expects to increase sales in this area of ​ ​ its business by 15-20% in 2016. The network structure also includes a class "A" logistics center located in the suburbs.

According to the plan, the project to create a network of discounters "Yes!" Will allow OKEI Group to enter a new retail segment: the YES! network will work in the format of discount stores with a fixed price, which is rapidly gaining popularity in Russia. In addition, "YES!" relies on a large number (more than 50) of its own brands, under which a wide range of products will be sold - from groceries and dairy products to washing powder.