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Hexagon AB


Financial results
2010 year
Revenue: 380 millions



+ Intergraph

The American company specializes in development of engineering software for design of industrial enterprises, management of space resources and the security allowing to visualize space data.

The solutions Intergraph give to customers an opportunity more effectively to project, build and operate the plants and the ships, to create intelligent cards, to protect important infrastructure and millions of people around the world.

Performance Indicators

In 2011 the vendor expects to come to income of $398 million.


Revenue in 2010 - $380 million (the share of Russia makes about 2.8%)[1].

Structure of the company

The Intergraph corporation consists of three divisions:

Intergraph Security, Government & Infrastructure (SG&I)

Intergraph SG&I - leading manufacturer of geospatial solutions for such industries as public security, the public and municipal administration, transport, a photogrammetry, utilities, telecommunications.

Promo-rolik divisions (December, 2010, engl.):

Intergraph Government Solutions (IGS) is the independent division which is responsible for work with the federal and Defense Ministries of the U.S. Government.

Intergraph Process, Power & Marine (PP&M)

Intergraph PP&M - specializes in development of software solutions for design, construction, commissioning and ensuring smooth functioning of the enterprises of continued production, objects of power, sea vessels and platforms, other infrastructure facilities.

Promo-rolik divisions (December, 2010, engl.):

Business in Russia


According to CNews, revenue of the Russian division PP&M in 2010 made $10.5 million, however refuses to confirm officially these digits the Russian branch of corporation. More than 50% of total income were the share of structures of Rosatom, Tyunyatkin estimates. In the world the similar indicator of the company was about $380 million, i.e. the share of Russia makes about 2.8%. Tyunyatkin govortt about 60% sales growth in Russia in comparison with 2009.

"All in Russia at us now 15 employees, - it continues. - Growth of the state is already approved with head office, by the end of 2011 us there have to be 30 people".

In Russia key customers are the state atomic and oil and gas companies. Using Intergraph technologies such large-scale objects as nuclear power plants, oil refineries, the ships, sea platforms are projected here.

Rosatom state corporation - his main customer in Russia. Solutions of Intergraph corporation in Russia are a reference platform 3D - design and management of engineering data for the project block of the enterprises of Rosatom.

Besides, the American vendor delivers the licenses to Rosneft and Surgutneftegas. The Russian sales go through distributors – Neolant and "Sisoft" (two companies - in Moscow) and ESG Bureau in St. Petersburg.

The main competitors in PP&M call Aveva and Bentley Systems. The second tries to come into Rosatom and the Russian Railway through higher education institutions. In the fall of 2009. The St. Petersburg institutes Atomenergoproekt and VNIPIET purchased 120 software licenses Bentley. Then the CEO of representative office in Russia and the CIS Leon Rizzi told CNews that the volume of the contract was $500 thousand. Now PP&M also signs agreements with Higher education institutions on delivery of the software. The first of them Alexander Tyunyatkin calls the St. Petersburg state Institute of Technology (SPBGTI).

Other competitor PP&M - the French Dassault Systemes, in 2010 decided to use examination of the Russian developers in mathematics and science for materials, for development of the software.

2014: Andreas Weisbeker headed office in Russia

Since January 13, 2014 Andreas Weisbeker entered a position of the director of the Russian department of Intergraph PP&M (Intergraph PP&M LLC).



In October, 2010 the Intergraph corporation was purchased by Hexagon AB group and completely was its part.

2015: The company purchased EcoSys

On October 14, 2015 Intergraph announced EcoSys acquisition - supplier company of solutions for project management[2].

EcoSys will continue to work under the direction of former management and will be engaged in business development in international market and integration of solutions.

Advertizing of EcoSys Management LLC (2015)

It is supposed that acquisition will help to strengthen a position of Intergraph Process, Power & Marine as solution provider for management and control over projects in industrial facilities. The solution EcoSys - EcoSys EPC (Enterprise Planning & Controls) is recognized the best for project management at all stages from design and building before decommissioning, including - for projects in the oil and gas industry and power.

The Inc. magazine in the rating TOP-5000 called EcoSys the best solution for business. According to the magazine, the profit of EcoSys company grew for the last 3 years by 222%.

Gerhard Sallinger, the president of company Intergraph Process, Power & Marine, noted: "Acquisition of EcoSys will allow us to propose solutions of new generation and technical expertize for achievement of higher level of efficiency of project implementation. EcoSys technologies are strategic acquisition for the market of BIM. This solution - one more example of how Intergraph invests means for continuous improvement of the services offered by us".
"We, EcoSys, are very glad to accession to the leader of the industry - Intergraph corporation, a part of Hexagon", - Javier Sloninsqui, the co-founder and the CEO of EcoSys told. - Such powerful combination of technologies will allow us to improve quality of project implementation and to increase performance. I am sure that we will perfectly add functionality of solutions of Intergraph".


Services of security, industrial enterprises, government, federal and municipal authorities more than 60 countries of the world (for February, 2011) use Intergraph technologies for the organization of large data arrays in the easy and readable visual representations promoting adoption of the justified and operational decisions.


The website Intergraph in Russian
