Competitors signed Intel the death penalty
24.11.10, 18:30, Msk
According to the founder of the producer of chips for mobile devices of ARM company, days of Intel as main component manufacturer in the world for desktop PCs are considered: the future behind mobile devices, and in this future for Intel just is not present the place.
"Intel is doomed",Hermann Hauser said [[Hauser Hermann|]] in an interview of Wall Street Journal. If you do not know who such Hauser, then he one of cofounders of ARM - it is possible, the most dangerous enemy of Intel in the market of semiconductors if to eliminate from the equation of AMD and VIA.
ARM designs chips, which equip almost all mobile devices that you sometime saw or used. All - from mobile phones, "tablets" to readers of e-books. In view of who is he such, Hauzer is not the most impartial expert, nevertheless, it has couple of convincing arguments.
The first: ARM grants the right to production of chips to the third firms that means - Intel competes not against ARM, but against each manufacturer of ARM chips in the world. Actually, Intel fights against army of clones. Perhaps, on a twist of fate, not with the whole world, unlike the world of desktop computers of the 1980th which killed any computer which is not IBM PC clone with the Intel processor.
Secondly, Hauzer sees history of ADP equipment as given rise on the waves lifted by emergence of mainframes in the 1950th. Each wave took out the different companies which then were missing (DEC on a surface? Apollo? Sun?). Hauzer considers an era of desktop computers going by the end, and the following wave will be mobile, in large part.
Today the main thing - mobile architecture which will be the main computing platform, at least, from the terminal, he considers. Perhaps, with indirect sending on "cloud "calculations. There is an assumption that ARM positions itself on both sides of space of "cloud" calculations - on portable devices and in data processing centers, only then these statements make sense.
Possibly, truth somewhere nearby. As soon as some company holds a dominant position in the market, people begin to say that days it are considered, and falling of monopoly of Wintel (Windows + Intel), according to forecasts, approaches.
Intel really lost significant influence on ARM chips, and with Microsoft the competition from Android from Google which is established practically on each computer irritates if it is not a desktop or the server. Here it is possible to blame an open source code which consistently proved that the computing architecture means less, than it is possible to think: Linux does not care - whether it works for PowerPC, x86/x86-64, ARM, or anything another. At the heart of Android, of course, Linux.
Android thinly changes our understanding of purpose of the operating system. Android is means of achievement of the goal for Google. This OS is better and what more we can make, that can get access to the bigger number of our data of Google, potentially. And these data have bases. For comparison, Windows being end in itself – becomes the deadlock. Microsoft is not enough advantage of Windows, except income from software licenses that begins to sound is old-fashioned during an era of mobile devices and information "clouds".
Intel and Microsoft have nothing to be anxious, but in the short term. Though Hauzer, perhaps, is right and we move to the world of mobile devices, but there was yet nothing that replaces the desktop computer or the notebook, in terms of direct use. The mobile device of today is a tablet which perfectly is suitable for simple and easy problems, but the attempt to create the detailed presentation with its help can be considered one of forms of tortures.
Possibly, the future in hybrid devices, such as old mobile computer favourite: docking station. There is no doubt that right now in laboratories of Silicon Valley, versions of projects of crossing of the tablet, notebook and desktop computer are developed. The component of the screen will be device brains, and actually - it will be the tablet computer which can be carried with itself. For more hard work users will be able to fasten it back to the mainframe, to use the touchpad and the keyboard.