"Corporate "clouds" in Russia – technology unpopular", - the CEO Croc Boris Bobrovnikov said, speaking on April 11, 2012 at the conference devoted to start of "cloud" service of the data backup provided Croc together with EMC. Implementation of cloud computing meets the greatest obstacles from Chief information officers, Bobrovnikov considers: "Therefore we with the partners from customers see first of all CFO (the chief financial officer, - a comment of TAdviser)".
"Implementation of "clouds" is economic and reasonable therefore we are sure that in one or two-three years a quarter of the market will already be in "clouds", - the CEO explained Croc.
"System integrators once appeared from behind difference in "iron" and software and need of their sharing. There will be also companies rendering services of "cloud integration". Now there is a lot of clouds, but all of them in itself, and to work so it will not turn out. It is necessary to teach them to work together", - Bobrovnikov considers.
The cloud computing offered by Croc was already tested with one hundred customers, as much again is going to try use of "clouds" in the nearest future. The joint solution with EMC by the end of 2012 as Bobrovnikov believes, will be tested at 50 pilot projects, and of them will become about 15 commercial.
Ruslan Zayedinov, the Deputy CEO Croc, reported that based on the solution EMC Avamar his company will offer cloud services on storage and data recovery. According to Zayedinov, cloud services will be provided based on two data centers of Croc. Such services for corporate clients for the first time in the Russian market will be provided from "cloud".
According to Sergey Karpov, the CEO of EMS Russia – the CIS, Croc and EMC together created the first working cloud service such for the large companies: "It is absolutely new business model offered Croc which seemed to EMC extremely perspective and interesting".
The main problems which the companies when using cloud computing face are data transmission (the wide and sure channel is required) and quick access to data in "cloud". And, according to representatives of Croc, in the project with EMC these problems are solved. First, there is a deduplication of data on the party of the customer therefore smaller information volume is transferred. Secondly, Croc implements economically attractive payment system of pay-per-use (according to the same scheme the integrator works with vendor) in this project, i.e. clients pay not a fixed rate, but a certain rate for a certain volume of the transferred information.
Besides, important for corporate clients can be those factors that all transmitted data is stored in encrypted form that different types of optimization are applied to storage and transfer, and the fact that the solution EMC Avamar is multi-user.