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Head of VMware: at Windows a future is absent


01.09.10, 16:46, Msk

Paul Maritts, the CEO of VMware, said that in the market of operating systems of an innovation there are no 20 years therefore shortly OS as a class will leave the market led by Windows. According to him, the future of the IT industry behind virtualization.

Microsoft Windows as the operating system lost the status of the center of innovations in the IT industry, the head of VMware Paul Maritz, by the way, who is the ex-top manager of Microsoft corporation considers. He said it during the VMworld conference.

Maritts did not come so far to claim that OS, most popular in the world, will shortly disappear, however, during the session of questions-answers outlined for it the most bezraduzhny perspectives. According to him, the role of operating systems in control of the equipment and providing services based on applications will pass to technologies of virtualization and development platforms, such as Spring and Ruby on Rails.

The head of VMware believes that the century of Windows will not be long
"A question not in what of operating systems will disappear from the market", - Maritts explained, - "Understand the main thing where innovations are at the moment concentrated. Traditional operating systems made two things. They coordinate operation of the equipment and provide services based on applications. Today innovations in the field of coordination of operation of the equipment and providing services based on software lie beyond the scope of the scope of operating systems".

Maritts said that developers already "voted legs" for such means as Spring and the Ruby on Rails. He also could not pass by and not mention Microsoft.NET Framework from Microsoft which, however, also is very popular among developers, and is recognized as the best framework based on the research Evans Data Corp. Spring is at the moment controlled directly by VMware which purchased SpringSource. The platform will be used within the VMforce project, the joint "cloud" project with

VMworld showed that rivalry of Microsoft VMware does not weaken. While Maritts preaches decrease in a role of Windows in world IT market, Microsoft marked advertizing in the USA Today edition in the form of the open letter to clients of VMware, without strongly recommending them to sign the three-year contract with competitors.

"First of all, I think that the fact that Microsoft is forced to buy up the whole bands in national editions under the advertizing during our client conference, it is very flatter for us", - Maritts commented. "This step means recognition of the defeat for Microsoft. Fairly, I smiled when I saw it this morning", - he added.

Also according to him, within the last 20 years in the market of operating systems in fact there was nothing really the innovation. On this background the fact that Maritts left Microsoft only 10 years ago is represented interesting and took directly part in development of Windows 95 and Windows 2000.

Maritts became the CEO of VMware a little more than two years ago when EMC, the owner of the company, eliminated Diane Greene from this post of her co-founder. Then analysts claimed that Maritts's appointment means a new round of confrontation between VMware and Microsoft, and, judging by its public statements, they were not mistaken.