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Main events of week on August 8 - 14


08.08.11, 10:19, Msk

This week the founder of Apple company and, perhaps, all computer industry Steve Wozniak was born. About what else important IT persons were born this week and what events wait for us during the period from August 8 to August 14 – in the overview of TAdviser.

August 8

Monday will begin with a conference "Information and education: borders of communications" which will take place in the Gorno-Altaysk State University.

This day in 1995 the Ufa company "EcoSoft" was founded: it is engaged in management consulting in the field of IT and development of corporate information systems on the platform Lexema, enters into 10 largest consulting groups of the Ural and West Siberian region.

August 9

Megaplan companiessmall business and innovations suggests to talk on a subject ": problems, perspectives, incentives" what it will be a question at a specialized conference of.

In August "The RTSoft training center will provide training inthe "LynxOS-hard real-time operating system" program. The rate will last from August 9 to August 12.

Lenovo this day will report on the financial progress in the Russian market and also will tell about development plans for business in Russia and the CIS and new models which will be shortly provided.

Also on Tuesday the training course "the Professional starts: "INTALEV: Corporate management", it is intended for training of specialists on setup and work in this software product.

On August 9 Sergey Nikitin, the partner of MOLGA Consulting company was born. Was born in 1979 in Dushanbe, the Tajik SSR. In 2001 graduated with honors from the Middle Eastern Technical University (Ankara, Turkey). Professional activity of the beginnings on production in 2000 in the field of creation of management systems and CAD/CAM. Since 2003 worked in retail chain stores Ramstor, since 2008 – in MOLGA Consulting company.

on this birthday Anna Belosheykina, the Chief information officer of MegaFon company celebrates. In 1993 she graduated from the Ural polytechnical institute of S.M. Kirov, worked in state structures, then in banking sector then passed into OJSC MegaFon.

In 1995 the UCMS Group company was founded. Core business - outsourcing of personnel and financial processes. At the moment — one of the leading European service providers on business process outsourcing in the field of accounting, payroll and personnel office-work.

August 10

On August 10 Alexander Adzhemov, the CEO of TsNIIS - Central Scientific Research Institute of Communications was born. In 1977 with honors graduated from the Moscow electrotechnical institute of communication, in 1980 – a postgraduate study, in 1982 defended the master's thesis. Worked at Automatic Telecommunication department in Moscow Technical University of Informatics and Communications. In 1985 it was invited in TsNIIS where there passed the way from the senior research associate to the chief of department.

One more birthday girl of day - Elena Umnova, the deputy director general Svyazinvest (Rostelecom). After the termination of the Voronezh polytechnical institute worked in bank sectors, since 2003 headed finance department of Svyazinvest, since 2005 - department of integration of business and management of subsidiary companies, in 2007 left the company, returned in 2009 in a present position.

On August 10 also Victor Lavrenko, the founder the president of the search system Nigma was born. Since November, 2010 in its maintaining
the Vietnamese search project Nigma (21 persons). The graduate of MSU, from 1999 to 2005 Victor worked in company and the way from the technical director to the vice president of the company for strategy and finance went over with success. In 2005 Victor Lavrenko became the leader of the development team of the Nigma project.

August 11

this day one of the most significant persons involved in the IT industry - Steve Wozniak, the founder of Apple company was born. He is 61 years old. Also Another Steve (other Steve) is also known as The WoZ (derivative of a surname). Was born on August 11, 1950 in the city of San Jose (California, the USA). Actually is one of developers of the first personal computer. Its inventions and the idea can be considered an invaluable contribution to development of computing systems. Steve Wozniak created Apple I and Apple II personal computers which purchased extraordinary popularity among users of that time. With the schoolmate Steve Jobs Wozniak organized the company on production and assembly of the PC - it occurred on April 1, 1976. In 1980 the Apple II computer which left in sale made Wozniak and Jobs millionaires.

August 14

This day Sergey Levteev, the CEO of IBA Group company and alliance of IBA Group companies was born.

It is possible to study the complete list of events of this week here.