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Conference "SECURITY DAY: Information security in new conditions" on October 22

18.11.14, 17:16, Msk

On October 22, 2015 in Moscow TAdviser conducting expert center concerning automation of the state and business in Russia holds the industry SECURITY DAY conference. The conference is devoted to how the Russian market of equipment rooms and software tools of the information security (IS) in the new conditions dictated by new statutory requirements and macroeconomic and foreign policy realities will behave. And also:


Negative economic trends in 2014 amplified and had an impact both on the Russian IT market in general, and on a segment of cybersecurity solutions. Whether emergence of new laws and industry standards, increase in number of threats and also emergence of competitive domestic solutions to promote gradual increase in demand for cybersecurity in the long term will be able?


Separately the market of software solutions for information security showed growth in 2013, its volume exceeded 400 million dollars. Here stable demand for software in process of further gain of legislative regulation of the sphere of cybersecurity in Russia is expected, also positive moment for local vendors is the course towards import substitution. It affects the sphere of security of information first of all.

On the contrary, recession was outlined in 2013 in a segment of hardware solutions for information security: sales decreased by more than 10% to about 220 million dollars. First of all negative dynamics was shown by foreign vendors, but at the end of 2014 the forecast is so unfavourable: most likely, negative dynamics will remain. Domestic suppliers fall into a little more advantageous position: "Snowden's syndrome" and the new course on import substitution which already strongly declared in a public sector forces the largest consumers of cybersecurity means, including banks and telecommunication structures, - to select domestic.

Conference subjects

Within the conference the following questions will be raised on October 22, 2015:

  • Equipment rooms and software tools cybersecurity: market picture, key players
  • Protection of end devices: we reflect new threats
  • Creation of complex cybersecurity policy of the organization
  • What normative changes main for the market of cybersecurity in 2015-2016?
  • Protection of corporate networks
  • Modern means of identification and access control
  • Technology sovereignty and import substitution in the field of cybersecurity
  • Safe cities / safe transport
  • E-commerce security issues
  • Cybersecurity: integrated management of risks


TAdviser SECURITY Day is a platform for exchange of views between customers and suppliers. The conference will be interesting to representatives of system integrators, including heads of departments of implementation of systems, participants of project teams, marketing specialists and others. From clients and those companies which actively are engaged in creation of own strategy in information security field the action will be useful for heads of all levels of decision making, Chief information officers and specialists of IT departments.


Naymark Vladimir Ermachenkov Alexey Korotnev Konstantin
head of service cybersecurity of the region of Central and Eastern Europe, PricewaterhouseCoopers head of department of information security, Moscow regional bank information security, Eldorado manager
Voronova Maria Smoked Andrey Sable Galina
Deputy head of department of information security, Probusinessbank The Chairman of the Committee on information security, National council of financial market chief specialist, Gascardservice
Khrustalyov Alexander
Chief information security officer of MGTS

Participant list

Geogrid center Associate director
YaTEK Deputy head of department of IT
PSP-FARMAN Head of information technology
IDES Epicure Chief information officer
MFPU Synergy head of the department of Information management and e-commerce
Rosavtobank Specialist of information security
Bank of Moscow expert
Carcade Leasing Lead engineer of Cybersecurity Department
Bank Credit Moscow Chief of Service cybersecurity
UFS Director of operation
ADL Head of department
SPBGPU Head of department of data protection
URALSIB Deputy Chief architect
JSB Probusinessbank Head of department
VGTRK Chief specialist
Buyer Manager of cybersecurity
IDES Epicure Chief information officer
METALLOINVEST MANAGEMENT COMPANY Head of department of cybersecurity
RM-Terex CIO
VTB 24 head of GS
CITY director of the department of security
Federal State Unitary Enterprise GUIR No. 2 at Federal Agency for Special Construction The chief specialist of SB
Penza state technology university Head of department of informatization
The Renaissance bank the deputy chief of Service - the head of department
Rostourism Project manager
NPO Deost Head of department of information security support
Fedeco Director of information technology
Krossship Service station
Agroterra Head of department of development of information systems
Rostec Deputy Head of Information Department and analysts
Rostec Assistant of Information Department and analytics
NPF Blagosostoyaniye chief specialist of department of technical means of data protection
MIRP Head of department
Kanzler Chief information officer
Bryansk Chamber of Commerce and Industry IT manager
Krossship Service station
House of Books Medvedkovo Head of department of system administration
PhosAgro the deputy manager of IT service on information security
FAS Russia Head of department
FAS Russia Head of department
FAS Russia Deputy head of department of IT
  Rostec Group Leading specialist of Department of security
ADL Head of department of system administration
RUSSTROYBANK Chief of the Processing center
Forbank Head of department of information security
VTB Factoring Head of department of integration of business applications of DIT
Power communication chief specialist
Prestige and Quality Head of department of IT
Forestinvest Deputy CEO
Raiffeisenbank vice president
Energoglavstroy CEO
Rostec Chief expert

Conditions of participation and registration

Participation in a conference for representatives of customers is free. Participation cost for representatives of system integrators and vendors – 9,500 rub for one representative. The additional information can be obtained by e-mail:

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