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The prices of CRM licenses in Russia: blitz research


10.11.10, 17:37, Msk

Regardless of complexity of implementation and scope of the CRM solution, its cost differs in a broad spectrum: from several thousand rubles for the Russian development to millions of dollars for a foreign brand. Price dispersion on domestic developments can differ shestikratno, shows a blitz research of TAdviser.

Implementations of the domestic systems are sometimes made by forces of staff of the companies and, as a rule, such solutions are rather inexpensive. Anyway, a pacing factor of measurement is the cost of one license.

The market of CRM in Russia today, still in that status when requirement of implementation of similar technologies is obvious, is acquired experience of projects implementation, but demand level in the companies, first of all, of small and medium business is insufficient. Commodity market and services for the present did not impose on them enough serious requirements.

Nevertheless, relevance of implementations of CRM solutions in Russia and growth of their quantity – on the person. According to some analysts, growth of the domestic market of CRM systems is about 100 percent a year, and it seems – it is a high time to ask a question: what now the cost of the license for providing one workplace.

TAdviser conducted a research blitz in which seventeen solutions of seven developer companies participated.

Conditions of selection of a subject of attention and updating:

  • the rating is based on comparison of the cost of a product declared the supplier.
  • only those solutions, data on which, including quotations, are open for a public access, participated in a research.
  • the data specified in this overview are relevant for November 1, 2010.

Developers of solutions (are specified randomly). Compass, CRM Partner, Terrasoft (Terrasoft, CU-Consulting), 1C and 1C Rarus, WinPeak, Monitor CRM, 1C: Accounting and Trade. Based on a research of cost of domestic CRM products, TAdviser summed up the result (see the table).

Company Customer Relationship Management System cost of one license Essential information
CompassCompass of SALES 4,500 rubles  
CRM Partner6,380 rubles The price is specified by Quick Sales 1 for one license. Calculation of cost: the first license of 6,380 rub + 2,310 rub for each additional.
CompassCompass of CRM 7,000 rubles
|Quick Sales 27,370 rubles The price is specified for 1 license. Calculation of cost: the first license of 7,370 rub + 3,300 rub for each additional.
|Terrasoft Sales8,503 rubles The prices are specified in EVRO, transfer to rubles at the rate of 42.73 rub for 1 EVRO
1C and 1C Rarus 1C:Enterprise 8. 10,800 rubles Additional license 1C is not required to CRM PROF
WinPeakWinPeak CRM Standard 4.011 520р.
WinPeakWinPeak CRM Professional 4.012 840р.
1C1C:Enterprise 8. Trade management 14,500 rubles Additional license 1C is not required
|Terrasoft CRM14,913 rubles The prices are specified in EVRO, transfer to rubles at the rate of 42.73 rub for 1 EVRO
|Monitor CRM 3.515,200 rubles The price is specified for Professional workplace. Jobs are subdivided into Web, Standart and Professional. Jobs of Web and Standart I have the smaller cost and limited functionality. One workplace of Professional should be included in the delivery at least.
1C: Accounting and TradeBIT:CRM 8. Customer relationship management 15,300 rubles Cost is included license 1C by accounting and trade of 10,800 rub.
Monitor CRM16,500 rubles The price is specified by Monitor CRM 3.5 for Professional workplace. Jobs are subdivided into Web, Standart and Professional. Jobs of Web and Standart I have the smaller cost and limited functionality. One workplace of Professional should be included in the delivery at least
|Sales Expert 218,260 rubles The price is specified for 1 license. Calculation of cost: the first license of 18,260 rub + 5,610 rub for each additional
|Terrasoft XRM21,322 rubles The prices are specified in EVRO, transfer to rubles at the rate of 42.73 rub for 1 EVRO
CompassA compass of SALES + a warehouse 24,500 rubles Cost includes the license of a warehouse of 17,500 rub.
CompassA compass of CRM + a warehouse 29,500 rubles Cost includes the license of a warehouse of 17,500 rub.

All data are obtained from open sources, network resources of suppliers.