Main article: Countries of the world
2020: Population growth of 4.4% over 30 years
2020: 22.7% of Macedonians undernourished
2024: Number of Ukrainian refugees - less than 50,000
2021: Net outflow over 4 years
Marriages and divorces
2018: Divorce rate - 12%
Number of children per woman
2023: Life expectancy - 75.3 years
Number of drug deaths per million residents
Number of road deaths per 100,000 vehicles
The annual number of suicides per 100 thousand inhabitants
2016: Number of deaths from opioid use disorders
2012: Male-female suicide ratio
National composition
2024: First Woman President - Professor Gordana Siljanowska-Davkova
At the end of May 2024, Professor Gordana Silyanovskaya-Davkova won a convincing victory in the presidential election. It is interesting not only for the fact that it went down in the history of the country as the first female president, but also for the fact that it intends to fight against the Albanization of Macedonia, which has been taking place in recent years. And also by the fact that she opposed the signing of the Prespan Agreement, thanks to which Macedonia became "Northern" for the sake of Greece. Mrs. President immediately managed to become a participant in the scandal: in her inaugural speech, she excluded the word "Northern" from the name of the country, which outraged the Greeks.
The return to power of VMRO-DPMNE (and they lost it in 2016 during the next "color" revolution, as a result of which Macedonia flew out of the orbit of Russian influence even more rapidly than the subsequent Montenegro), of course, does not imply radical changes in the foreign policy sphere. However, in general, the trend cannot but rejoice.
For example, one of Mickoski's first decisions is to form a strategic economic partnership with Hungary. Viktor Orban offers Macedonia a loan of 500 million euros. Interest rate 3.25%, three-year grace period and 12-year maturity. What's wrong? And this, according to the now opposition pro-Western forces, will jeopardize the country's cooperation with such globalist institutions as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
Another personally impressive appointment occurred to the post of Deputy Prime Minister. It was the ethnic Serb Ivan Stoilkovich. At this place, we send greetings to the inhabitants of high offices wondering why to establish cooperation with promising opposition politicians without portfolios. Then, by the time they still have portfolios in a couple of years, the Americans will have established cooperation with them, unlike some who have well mastered the basics of strategic work in the region.
2024: Centre-right VMRO-DPMNE party returns to power
In the 2024 parliamentary elections, the center-right VMRO-DPMNE party won a convincing victory. The prime minister's chair was won by Christian Mickoski, who years earlier had come out fiercely against the Macedonia-shaming agreement - the so-called "French proposal" in which Macron tried to forge a historically very uneasy relationship between Macedonia and Bulgaria. Naturally, no one asked the opinions of the Macedonians then, and the "compromise" essentially included their renunciation of their national identity and rewriting history, up to the recognition of the Bulgarian fascist occupiers as liberators. Mickoski's party protested strongly.
2022: Proportion of women in Parliament
2016: Colour revolution deprives VMRO-DPMNE party of power
The center-right VMRO-DPMNE party lost power in 2016 in another "color" revolution that sent Macedonia out of the orbit of Russian influence like Montenegro later.
Armed Forces
2025: Tiny Army
2023: Defence spending - 1.9% of GDP
2021: Agriculture's share of GDP - less than 8%
2022: July inflation - 16%
Energy carriers
2021: Oil is the main source of energy in the country
Energy consumption per capita
andEnergy supplies
2020: Unemployment rate - 20.2%
Incomes of the population
2023: Minimum wage - $289
2021: 13.9% of workers are employed in agriculture
2019: Low use of pesticides in agriculture
2023: Poultry meat is the most consumed type of meat
2019: Kuryatina is the most consumed type of meat
2019: Beer consumption in litres per year per person
2018: Milk consumption in litres per year per person
2020: R&D expenses - $145 million
2021: Average train speed - 53 km/h
2021: Driving penalty with phone in hand €41
2022: Minimum age to drive - 16
Foreign trade
2022: Germany is the biggest export destination
Social Security
Maternity leave
inHealth care
2020: Duration of guaranteed paid sick leave 6 months or more
2021: Number of intentional murders
2022: Minimum age for children to be jailed
2018: Number of prisoners
Transfer of 4 Su-25 attack aircraft to Ukraine
In addition to 30 tanks T-72A North Macedonia will also transfer 4 Su-25 attack aircraft to Ukraine. This was reported in early August 2022 by the Macedonian edition of the MDK.
The publication says that earlier these aircraft were also acquired by Macedonia in Ukraine.
The newspaper reports that in June the Left Party learned from officers working in the army that planes were being inspected and repaired at a military airfield.
"According to the information received, the repair is carried out by Ukrainian military engineers, which indicates that this is being done to deliver them to Ukraine, as a gift from our side, so that they are ready for use at the front," the statement said.
What is even more worrying about the source of the publication is the stripes of the Nazi regiment'Azov 'on the uniforms of Ukrainian personnel who are engaged in aircraft maintenance.
Transfer of Soviet T-72 tanks to Ukraine, which were previously bought from Ukraine
In 1999, even before the start of the Albanian uprising in Macedonia, the "People's Liberation Army of Ali Akhmeti" Ukraine and Macedonia signed a contract for the supply of military equipment from Soviet reserves, RBC notes. Deliveries, Kyiv, of course, delayed. A batch of Soviet-made T-72A from 31 combat vehicles came to Skopje only in 2001. "This is the last batch of tanks to Macedonia, which was carried out in accordance with the treaty concluded between Ukraine and Macedonia in 1999. As a contractual side with Macedonia, we assumed certain obligations, and as a predictable and reliable partner, we had to fulfill them, "said [1] Anatoly Zlenko, who was then Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, in 2001.
In July 2022, during a special operation by Russia, the circle closed, and T-72A drove back to Ukraine.
39,280 hp: Ash from the mega-eruption of the Phlegrean fields
The earliest activity of the Flegrei Fields supervolcano in southern Italy began about 39,280 years ago and was accompanied by a powerful volcanic eruption and the release into the atmosphere of about 200 km³[1] volcanic material].
The mega-eruption coincided in time with the eruptions of the volcanoes Kazbek in the Caucasus and St. Anna in the Southern Carpathians. According to seismologists and paleoclimatologists, it became one of the reasons for the "volcanic winter."
Sulfur has increased over Europe, absorbing and scattering sunlight. In the year following the eruption, temperatures across the planet dropped by 2 degrees Celsius, with a 5-degree decline in Western Europe.
Volcanic emissions, gradually settling, left behind a trail of rock that, in the shape of a wedge, stretched from southern Italy northeast to the Southern Urals.
The rock covered more than 1.1 million square meters with an ash layer. From southern Italy to Romania, the ash layer reached 1 meter.