As of mid-2015 - BI Team Leader, Marketing & Sales Support at Bayer HealthCare.
June 30, 2015 took part in TAdviser BI and Big Data DAY. In his report, Alexander Kulikov talked about how BI is used in his unit and about his approach to visualizing reports. According to Kulikov, there are 23 different data sources at Bayer HealthCare, including transactional systems and Excel files, more than 600 employees are active BI users, and more than 130 archive reports are stored in the company.
Technologically, the solution is based on MS SQL Server in conjunction with Excel, and the XLCubed tool, not very popular in Russia, is used to visualize data. He noted that when implementing BI tools in Bayer HealthCare, the companies were guided by the principle that correct visualization is the key to the success of the BI project.