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2024: Sentence - 5 years in prison

The former head of the state corporation Roskosmos"" Research Institute of Precision Instruments Anatoly Shishanov was sentenced to five years in a general regime colony for abuse of authority with grave consequences, the press service of the Butyrsky District Court reported on July 3, 2024. Moscow

According to the data, Shishanov RBC was charged with crimes committed in 2013-2014. The second person involved in the case, Oleg Gomozov, accused of complicity, received four years in prison. The court also fully satisfied the civil claim of the representative of the Ministry of Defense Russia for compensation for material damage caused by the crime.

source = Telegram channel Courts of general jurisdiction of the city of Moscow

Anatoly Shishanov is a Hero of Socialist Labor, a Hero of the USSR and a Hero of Russia. This is the first time in the history of modern Russia when a person who is actually a hero three times was under investigation.

Shishanov worked at the Research Institute of Precision Instruments since the 1970s, heading the structure in 1994. In 2019, his next term of office as general director - chief designer of the enterprise expired. After that, he was replaced by Alexander Lyukhin, and it was decided to check the activities of Shishanov.

After the resignation, Shishanov took the post of assistant professor and head of the basic department "Aerospace geoinformation systems of Information Technologies" of the Moscow Aviation Institute.

The verdict in the Shishanov case was announced on June 28, 2024. The details of the case and the essence of the claims against the former director of the Roscosmos Research Institute are not specified in the press service of the court.

The Research Institute of Precision Instruments, which was led by Shishanov, is a Soviet and Russian research institute. Part of the Roscosmos state corporation and a subsidiary of RKS JSC, the institute specializes in the development and production of radio engineering systems for spacecraft and ground control systems.[1]
