Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Artyomov Nikolay Mikhaylovich
Artyomov Nikolay Mikhaylovich


Was born on April 4, 1958, Domodedovo, the Moscow region.


1980: Lomonosov Moscow State University

In 1980 Lomonosov Moscow State University, specialty "jurisprudence", qualification - the lawyer ended.

1984: Candidate of Law Sciences

9/28/1984 the decision of Council at Moscow state the university of M.V. Lomonosov awards an academic degree of the candidate of legal sciences.

1990: Associate professor

9/27/1990 the decision of the State committee of the USSR on national education gives an academic status of the associate professor on department of the Soviet administrative and financial law.

2003: Doctor of jurisprudence

1/24/2003 the solution of the Highest certifying commission awards an academic degree of the doctor of jurisprudence.

2005: Professor

7/20/2005 the decision of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation gives an academic status of professor of department of the financial law and accounting.


1983: MGYuA of O.E. Kutafin

Since 1983 works at the Moscow state legal university of O.E. Kutafin, began a labor way with a position of the assistant to department.

From 1/26/2009 to 2/21/2014 - Professor of department of the financial law and accounting (since 2/10/2011 - department of the financial law) MGYuA of O.E. Kutafin.

Since 2/21/2014 - Professor of department of the financial law of MGYuA of O.E. Kutafin.

2016: Chairman of the board of directors of CB Novy vek

Since 4/18/2016 - the board member, the Chairman of the board of directors of CB Novy vek (LLC).


12/5/2016 it is awarded Gratitude of the Russian President for merits in development of jurisprudence and training of qualified specialists.

10/14/2020 the honorary title "The honored lawyer of the Russian Federation" for merits in development of jurisprudence, training of qualified specialists and long-term fair work is given.