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+ Avetisyan Artem Davidovich

Avetisyan Artem Davidovich is a Russian businessman, chairman of the board of directors of Vostochny Bank, head of the New Business direction at ASIs and the Leaders Club association. Engaged in public activities, is a member of the Expert Council under the Government of the Russian Federation.


Education and business development

Artem Avetisyan was born in Moscow, in a family of teachers. A talented boy for seven years studied at a music school, where he specialized in wind instruments. But after receiving a certificate, he decided not to devote himself to music, but entered the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, where he studied evaluation activities. He managed to combine his studies and work, and in the fourth year in 1997, an ambitious young man founded his company, called the Independent Expert Center.

Her employees were friends and fellow students of a novice businessman, who, together with him, adapted the methods of the department to the needs of the business. They were looking for new ways, engaged in audit and brokering, and after a while the company had the first large customers. Later, large banking and government organizations, Gazprom, worked with Artem Davidovich.

The 2008 crisis prompted many enterprises to revalue assets. This was a successful start for the rapid development of the business. Now NEO Center is one of the industry leaders. The organization conducts examinations, monitors investment projects, controls costs during the implementation of various programs. Artem Avetisian himself managed the company until 2011, and then switched to work at the Agency for Strategic Initiatives.

"New Business"

In 2021, Artem Avetisyan leads the New Business direction at the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, created on the initiative of the Government of the Russian Federation. The organization works to improve conditions for entrepreneurs and investors, supports them in the implementation of socially significant projects.

Artem Avetisyan and his team modernized the system of technical regulation, which hindered business development. To do this, they launched the Roadmaps project, which includes the development of measures to eliminate bureaucratic barriers in the field of energy, construction and public procurement.

In 2012, the agency presented roadmaps in 11 areas. The project resulted in a number of legislative changes and the elimination of many administrative barriers to business.

"Leadership Club"

Since 2012, Artem Davidovich Avetisyan has been the head of the Leaders Club, which includes entrepreneurs from different regions of Russia. The organization is developing and implementing initiatives to improve the business climate in the country. Members of the Club of Leaders discuss the results of their work on a special digital platform. Periodically, they participate in control purchases and in areas far from entrepreneurial activity - they checked the work of the hotline for resettlement from dilapidated houses, the speed of distribution of places in kindergartens in the order of the electronic queue. Reports on these events are sent to the Presidential Administration.

Banking business

In 2015, Artem Avetisyan went into the banking business. The entrepreneur acquired the unprofitable bank Uniastrum and, thanks to competent management, brought him out of the crisis. Two years later, Uniastrum and Vostochny Express Bank merged. As a result, a new structure appeared - Vostochny Bank. In the fall of 2019, Artem Davidovich took the post of chairman of the board of directors in it.

Hobbies and family

An active pastime helps a businessman to rest from work. He does a lot of sports, preferring big tennis and mountain skiing. Artem Avetisian travels a lot, sometimes combining this hobby with professional activity. So, he held the Antarctic Summit, in which members of the Club of Leaders took part.

Artem Davidovich Avetisyan is married, has two children. He tries to spend a lot of time with his family. The entrepreneur is fond of chess, reads classical literature.