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Баннер в шапке 2
Ivannikov Victor Petrovich
Ivannikov Victor Petrovich

Biography, career

Was born  on February 27, 1940 in Stupino of the Moscow region.

In 1963 graduated from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in "Mathematical computing devices and devices".

From 1962 to  1980 worked at Institute of exact mechanics and ADP equipment of Lebedev of RAS where there passed the way from the technician to one of leading specialists.

Since 1979 till present works in MSU at ASVK department, having passed a way from the senior teacher to professor of department.

In the 1980th   V.P. Ivannikov, working in Scientific Research Institute Delta of Minelektronprom of the USSR and at Institute of problems of cybernetics of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, directed creation and implementation of automation systems of design and the software of the super computer. From 1991 to  1994 managed department of Institute of problems of cybernetics of RAS. Since foundation in January, 1994 Mr. Ivannikov is the director of Institute of system programming of RAS.

Ivannikov — one of the main developers of structure of processors and the general architecture of the multiple AS-6 computer system, the head and the active participant of creation and implementation of the operating system of the heterogeneous computer local area network based on AS-6 complex (its doctoral dissertation is devoted to this perspective). It possesses an essential role in creation of the computer systems providing information processing in real time in mission control centers of spacecrafts.

Is the director of Institute of system programming of RAS since formation of ISP in January, 1994.

Since 1996 Ivannikov is the head of the department of system programming of MIPT. Since May, 2008  — the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In May, 2009 it was elected to a post of the president of the Russian Association of the Open Source (RAOS).

Victor Ivannikov was a member of the international scientific communities ACM, IEEE Computer Society and heads the Russian office of IEEE Computer Society.

In the night of November 28, 2016 in Moscow at the age of 76 years because of a heart trouble the research supervisor of Institute of system programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISP RAS), the academician, professor Victor Petrovich Ivannikov died.

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