Kelbakh Sergey Valentinovich
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Born on April 3, 1959 in the city of Slavgorod of Altai Krai.
In 1985 graduated from Leningrad Engineering and Construction Institute majoring in "Industrial and civil engineering".
In 1994 graduated from the Russian-German higher school of management of Academy of National Economy at the Government of the Russian Federation.
1976 – 1977 — the Pupil of electrosection of the Simferopol factory of kultbyttovar
1977 - 1979 — Service in the ranks of the Soviet Army
1979 - 1985 — Study at Leningrad Engineering and Construction Institute
1981 - 1989 — the Master, the foreman, the supervising foreman, the deputy chief in production, the chief engineer of SU-40 LPSMO of Glavzapstroy
1989 - 1989 — the Head of department of capital construction of the Gorizont Center
1989 - 1990 — the Production director of building industry of the Center MZhK "Union"
1990 - 1990 — the Chief engineer of Research Center Hronograf
1990 - 1996 — the Production supervisor, the director of PKF IPS LLP
1996 - 2007 — the CEO of Neudorf Strelna Agency LLC
2007 - 2008 — the Adviser to the Chairman of the Committee, the vice-chairman of Committee on improvement and road economy Governments St. Petersburg
In 2008 the first cool rank – the state councilor of St. Petersburg 3 classes is appropriated
2008 - 2009 — the CEO of FGU "Dorogi Rossii"
2009 - 2011 — the First deputy chairman of the board of Russian Highways State company
On December 27, 2011 it is appointed to the position of the chairman of the board of Russian Highways State company.
As of May, 2018, Sergey Kelbakh is the chairman of the board of state company "Russian highways", the Doctor of Economics, the first deputy head of the department Public-private partnership, professor Financial university at Government of the Russian Federation.
Resignation from a post of the chairman of the board of Avtodor
On February 6, 2019 there was information on Sergey Kelbakh's resignation from a position of the chairman of the board of Avtodor. The decree on release from a post of Sergey Kelbakh (of February 5, 2019 No. 142-r) is published on the website of the government. The press service of the government emphasized that the official holding this post since 2011 resigned at own will. According to a source of Kommersant, at own will Kelbakh wrote the resignation letter in December, 2018.
However the decree was preceded by scandal over the Central Ring Road: On February 1 in Accounts Chamber of Russia said that one of the most large-scale projects of Avtodor state company will not be executed in time. Department reported on construction readiness of the Central Ring Road from 0% to 66% that does not allow to complete the main works before the end of 2020, and on one of sections — before the middle of 2021. Right after the report of Accounts Chamber started talking about fast resignation of the head of Avtodor Sergey Kelbakh which the source of Interfax also connected with achievement of age limit by the official on civil service (in April, 2019 to it 60 years are performed).[1]
The post of the chairman of the board of Avtodor was held as a result by Vyacheslav Petushenko who was earlier working as the first deputy chairman of the board of state company on technical policy.
Appointment of the CEO of the Russian Railway as the adviser
On March 25, 2019 it became known that the former chairman of board of Russian Highways state company (Avtodor) Sergey Kelbakh is appointed the advisor to director general of the Russian Railway. In this quality he supervises investment questions, in particular, questions of public-private partnership.[2]
Criminal case
The damage in the matter of the former head of Avtodor Sergey Kelbakh exceeds 2 billion rubles, the Investigative Committee in July, 2019 reported. According to the investigators, Kelbakh unreasonably used budget money and resources of the national welfare fund and abused powers.
Illegal actions of Sergey Kelbakh as approves Investigative Committee, "entailed heavy effects and fundamental breaches of the interests of the state protected by the law". Proceedings are initiated against Kelbakh according to Part 3 of Article 285 of UK (abuse of office) which provides up to ten years of imprisonment.
According to the investigators, in 2015 Kelbakh, being the head of Avtodor, approved illegal payment of 3.9 million rubles of Ring Trunk company as the commission for the bank guarantee. Besides, in 2017 it illegally provided Krokus International companies of 2 billion rubles as additional advance payment, the Investigative Committee reported. Both of these companies participated in construction of the Central Ring Road (CRR) in the Moscow region. At the time of signing of the contract Ring Trunk for 100% belonged to IFSK ARKS company which shareholder from shares of 25% was Stroytransgaz of the billionaire Gennady Timchenko. After hit under sanctions of the USA Timchenko sold a share in ARKS. Krokus International is the company of the businessman Araz Agalarov.
Thus, as notes the investigation, Kelbakh unreasonably used the budgetary appropriations and resources of the national welfare fund intended for construction of the Central Ring Road and abused the powers in implementation process of long-term investment agreements, the Investigative Committee stated. In addition, according to it, Kelbakh unreasonably accepted from Soyuzdorproekt company of work on development of documentation connected with the project and paid for it 132.6 million rubles from state funds though it was not provided by the federal target program.
"All advance payments were paid within 30% of public financing, and they were provided with a guarantee of Sberbank" — the representative of Crocus Group said Forbes.
Criminal case against the head of Avtodor because of violations at construction of the Central ring highway in Moscow area was announced by the Prosecutor General Yury Chaika earlier. "The large volume of violations is revealed during check of implementation of the infrastructure project "Central Ring Road" in the Moscow region. By its results concerning the chairman of the board of Avtodor state company criminal case is brought" — reported Chaika's words RIA Novosti.
Kelbakh learned about criminal proceedings from Govorit Moskva radio station. "I cannot comment on anything. I obtained information from you. I am at work" — he said.
Awards and titles
For personal merits in the field of the state construction, highly professional and fair work it is awarded:
- medal "In Commemoration of the 300th Anniversary of Saint Petersburg",
- breastplate to Builder of St. Petersburg of the III degree,
- diploma of the Governor of Saint Petersburg,
- anniversary breastplate "In memory of the 200 anniversary of Management of water and overland messages",
- anniversary medal "200 years to internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation",
- medal of the government of the Voronezh region "Gratitude from the earth Voronezh",
- medal of A.A. Nikolaev,
- medal "Federation Council. 20 years",
- Degree medal "For Special Merits in front of the Kaluga Region" III.
For a contribution to maintenance of orthodox traditions and spiritual culture of society it is awarded the order Russian Orthodox Church of the Reverend Sergey of Radonezh of the III degree, the certificate of honor of the Russian President's Plenipotentiary in the Central federal district.
For assistance in recovery of Vvedensky Tolga Convent in the city of Yaroslavl it is thanked Officially the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, in attention to the help in construction of chapels in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God of Odigitriya and St. Blzh Matrona of Moscow on border of the Smolensk and Moscow regions it is awarded with the Medal of the Smolensk diocese in honor of the Wonder-working Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God of Odigitriya I of degree.
For active participation in preparation and holding the actions connected with the celebration of the 70 anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 it is thanked Officially organizing committee for preparation of the main actions connected with the celebration of the 70 anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.
For work on the organization and holding the II Festival of sport with passing of tests of regulations of the GTO All-Russian sports complex it is awarded with the Letter of acknowledgement of the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation. The rank "Honourable Road Builder of Russia" is given.