Klekovkin Nikolay Igorevich
Alliance, insurance company
Previous jobs:
Vnesheconombank (VEB) Development bank and foreign economic activity
Business consultant
2014 - 2017
Sberbank of the Russian Federation
Business consultant
2014 - 2017
Zetta Strakhovaniye (Zetta Insurance, before SK Zurich of Zurich Insurance)
2009 - 2014
Russian Standard Insurance
Renaissance Insurance
2003 - 2006
Project manager
Renaissance Group
Credit Suisse of Credit Suisse
1993 - 1995
Nikolay was born on September 18, 1969 in Moscow.
In 1994 graduated from the State Financial Academy.
In 2001 gained the diploma of MVA of Columbia University (Columbia Business School).
In 1993 worked as the trader on stocks at the Moscow office Credit Suisse First Boston.
In 1995 passed into Renaissance Capital.
In 1996 became the CEO of Credit Suisse Asset Management in Russia.
Since 2001 worked in McKinsey & Company as the project manager.
In 2003 received a position of the CEO of Renaissance Insurance Group LLC.
In 2007 became the CEO of Russian Standard Insurance Ltd.
In 2009 began to work as the CEO of SK Tsyurikh LLC and directed the company to the middle of May, 2014.
From 2014 to 2017 supervised questions of development and strategy implementation of PJSC Sberbank of Russia and Vnesheconombank.
In 2017 received a position of the First Deputy CEO, board member of JSC SK Alyans and SK Alyans Zhizn LLC.
In April, 2017 became the CEO of both companies.
For December 19, 2017 Nikolay Igorevich Klekovkin works as the CEO of SK Alyans LLC.