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Komyagin Sergey Vyacheslavovich
Komyagin Sergey Vyacheslavovich


Sergey Vyacheslavovich Komyagin was born on February 13, 1965.

In 1988 graduated from the Moscow engineering and physical institute of an award of a labor red Banner in automatic equipment and electronics, in 2000 - the INSEAD University in France (Master of Business Administration). In 2000 was entitled the certified specialist in management of regions from IBM company; trained in the USA, England, France, Austria, the Republic of South Africa.

Has broad management practice by businesses in the field of innovations and high technologies and also difficult integration projects and crisis management.

Worked at executive positions in IBM (1991-2001) companies, the Area Director of Symbol Technlogies EMEA company over the countries of the Southeast region of Europe, the Middle East and Africa (2001 - 2006), as the CEO of S&T AG (2006-2007), the Head the Special economic zone in Moscow (2007-2008), the CEO of the Center of Infrastructure Projects (2008-2009).

2012-2013: The head of Software AG in Russia

At the beginning of 2012 it is appointed the CEO and the vice president of Software AG company in Russia and the CIS countries. The management and business development of the company in this region fell within the scope of its responsibility.

Sergey Komyagin held the last two years a post general the director of Sistem Group in Russia. Let's remind that the previous CEO of the Russian division of Software AG,Maria Kamennova, after long years on this post became the board member of IT group and headed two structures of group.

Sergey Komyagin, answering a question of TAdviser of significant results of the activity on the previous post, among like those noted reaching of Sistem Group profitability and doubling of sales volume in the conditions of crisis. Besides, he called expansion of a product line of the company at the expense of the software and services and implementation of professional business processes and obtaining the certificate of ISO 9000.

According to him, "training and motivation of the existing personnel, attraction from the market of additional professionals, a certain reorganization of work with system integrators and deepening of interaction with technology partners, such as SAP AG, IBM, professional marketing, optimization of internal business processes and financial activities" will become priorities on a new post in Software AG, he told TAdviser.

Arno Theiss, the senior vice president of Software AG, expressed confidence that "experience and leadership skills of Sergey will allow to bring Software AG to new level in Russia and the CIS countries".

At the end of January, 2013 Sergey Komyagin left Software AG company in Russia and the CIS. The company said that are not going to look for the new head of office in this region.

Area director of IHS Global Ltd. in Russia

In 2013 in connection with increase in business in Russia and the CIS the management of the headquarters of the American company IHS (NYSE: IHS) invited Sergey Komyagin to head the company in the region.

In August, 2013 Sergey Komyagin held a press conference of the company, the first in the history of IHS, in Moscow which was devoted to the subject "Russia in the Global Agenda". This action was covered by journalists doing Russian and international business of editions. During the press conference experts of the company together with the invited experts discussed problems and risks which the Russian business today, influence of economic trends in the countries of Europe, the Middle East and Africa on the market of Russia, perspective of industries and oil exploration by Russia in the Arctic Ocean meets. Also at a press conference Sergey Komyagin reported on the first 100 days of work and plans of the company. In particular, successfully working in the region since 1995 with the largest Russian corporations and having considerable turnover, IHS remained almost unknown general public. For last 3 months work on change of strategy of work in Russia was carried out, a number of working meetings, both with business, and with representatives of government institutions which already came to the end with contract signature is carried out. 2014 became record in the history of IHS in Russia and the CIS. The updated command could double financial performance, despite the problems connected with imposition of sanctions.

Since 2017 Sergey Komyagin develops technology business in the countries of Latin America. Work goes in two directions: the help to the Russian-language companies with the organization and business in Armour and consultation of the Latin American commercial and government institutions on a transfer of the technologies and solutions developed by the Russian companies.


For years of work Komyagin S.V. received a large number of awards, including:

  • 100 most influential persons of IT of the market of Russia,

  • Top Profi IT of the market of Russia,

  • One of 100 people who made the significant contribution to development of the computer market of Russia

  • The certificate of honor of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry for development of economy of Zelenograd.