Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Krekshin Nikolay Sergeyevich
Krekshin Nikolay Sergeyevich


In 1996 he graduated from the Institute of Economics and Law, specialty - "Accounting and Auditing," qualification - economist.

Additional vocational education:

2009: North-East Alliance AKB

From 06.04.2009 to 27.11.2017 - North-East Alliance AKB (JSC), Head of the Treasury.

2018: KB "Capital Credit"

From 19.03.2018 to 01.08.2021 - LLC KB "Capital Credit," Head of the Treasury.

From 06.09.2018 to 28.04.2019 - LLC KB "Capital Credit," member of the Management Board.

From 18.06.2019 to 05.07.2019 - LLC KB "Capital Credit," member of the Management Board.

Since 03.09.2019 - LLC KB "Capital Credit," member of the Management Board.

2021: Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of KB "Capital Credit"

Since 02.08.2021 - LLC KB "Capital Credit," Deputy Chairman of the Management Board.