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Biography, career
Kudryavtsev Alexey was born on April 7, 1968 in Moscow. In 1991 graduated from the Moscow Institute of Radio engineering, Electronics and Automatic equipment (MIREA), faculty of cybernetics in "a computer, networks and communication systems". In 1989-1994 was the director of Grand company which was engaged in sale and repair of computers and office equipments. From 1994 to 2005 - the founder and the CEO of Kraftway who was engaged in the wholesale supplies of component parts and office equipments and turned into the largest domestic assembler of the PC later. In November, 2005 became the CEO of Integrated Services Group ISG.
Alexey Mikhaylovich Kudryavtsev's activity is mentioned by numerous industry awards. So, from 1999 to 2002 he annually received distinctions of the International computer club, in 2001 entered in the rating-list of Top 100 Russian IT - the industries, made by Association of managers of Russia, online edition "Kommersant of iOne" and IT club. In April, 2001 Alexey Mikhaylovich Kudryavtsev participated in the meeting organized by the President of Russia V.V. Putin with representatives of the Russian market of high technologies. For a contribution to development of the Russian IT industry Alexey Kudryavtsev became the winner of the annual international award "Person of Year 2005".
Quotes, interview
- There is no market similar to Russian — an interview to the Vedomosti newspaper
- In the market there is no offer of really professional outsourcing — an interview of CNews
- Actually without changing anything in a business model, we approached the difficult period in economy in an optimal form - an interview to the CONNECT magazine
"The chief sower of panic moods is I. I can precisely tell that the future of the Russian assembly projects, such as Kraftway, Aquarius, Rover, Depo, not cloudlessly, but it is not so sad as it is possible to tell about it. No Chinese here will fall down suddenly if to speak about Chinese as about the mass of the companies" (about perspectives of domestic assemblers of the PC)
"I considered a question in terms of "what to do if not to do what I did earlier?" At the same time there is no wish, as well as to any businessman to create new business similar in terms of the scope of to old. If to change, then for something bigger. And it is clear that I since 1988 worked in this industry, it only which is more or less clear to me, and the movement only in adjacent segments was possible. And is the closest to IT there are two sectors — telecommunications and finance. Answer to a question: "In what to be engaged?" — appeared after several months of numerous consultations with customers, partners, potential new project participants. All this came down to the term under the name "outsourcing"" (about the reasons of leaving Kraftway and foundation of ISG).
"Sell to the customer of Cisco, either HP, or solution on Microsoft and on Oracle it is uninteresting and is not profitable. For the new company it was necessary to look for the niche therefore we positioned ourselves as the company integrator standing on the party of the customer that, certainly, draws attention of the client. For us the vendor is an abstract set of technologies from which we select the best for the customer" (about methods of a company performance of ISG).
"In IT I twenty years. In 1988 studied at institute and earned additionally in cooperative the head of department of sale of personal computers. At a boundary of 80th and 90th they cost a fantastic sum. We then sold to one of the largest oligarchs the computer, to several more people of the same level. At that time there was the 286th computer on which sale and repair it was already possible to earn stable money. One such machine cost approximately as Zhiguli of the eighth model, i.e. $ 3000 — 4000." (about work in Grand company)
"Not take unjustified steps. Not casually the bear does not move in the winter. Any excess movements accelerate metabolism, so, fatty stocks are quicker burned, considerably reducing chances to wait for warm days. The logic of behavior of a business organism in extreme conditions of "a commercial wintering" is in extremely to reduce consumption costs, to minimize the quantity of movements which lead to their increase. The less you spend today, the more carefully you risk, the probability to hold on till spring is higher" (about an economic crisis).
Alexey Kudryavtsev explains the transition from Kraftway to ISG to some stagnation in a business model in which such manager is not necessary any more as it. ISG is not all idea, but only one element which is necessary for development of all industry, it is a part of the global plan, according to Kudryavtsev.
Alexey Kudryavtsev is fond of philately, has one of the most interesting and known collections of brands in the country.