Lashkina Elena Vyacheslavovna
Previous jobs:
Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Economic Development, MEDT)
Press secretary
NVision Group
The head on work with the state organizations in Russia and the CIS countries
The ministry of digital development, communication and mass communications of the Russian Federation (before the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications)
Head of the press service
Russian newspaper
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The head on work with the state organizations in Russia and the CIS countries of NVision Group.
Was born on September 26, 1971 in Tashkent.
Right after leaving school Elena ended samoleto-and helicopter faculty of the Tashkent state technical university. However it was not necessary to be engaged in airplanes: the husband military was transferred to Moscow, and Elena with the little son went with him.
In 1996 Lashkina came to Nezavisimaya Gazeta the correspondent of department of economy. Also it is necessary to notice that technical education of future journalist was absolutely useful here.
In 2000 Elena Lashkina already headed department of economy of Nezavisimaya Gazeta.
In 2003 and before appointment to a new position was a government observer of Rossiyskaya Gazeta.
In July, 2008 Elena Lashkina is appointed the assistant - the press secretary of the Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications Igor Shchegolev.
Transition from the ministry to NVision Group
At the end of August, 2012 it became known that Elena Lashkina left the Ministry of Communications to hold the vice president's post in NVision Group integrator (NVision Group).
The complete name of a new position of Lashkina - the vice president, the head for work with the state organizations in Russia and the CIS countries of NVision Group.
The task of determination and implementation of PR - and marketing strategy on work with a public sector is set for the former press secretary.
By own words of Lashkina she should "formulate a corporate position on a vernacular and carry her the state organizations (the ministries, departments and the state organizations), knowing and understanding intrigues of state agencies, hierarchies, an order of approval, passing and decision making"[1].
Together with Elena one more former employee of the press service of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Yulia Bulankina who will be engaged in organization of events went to work in NVision Group.
Transition to the Ministry of Economic Development
Since 2013 worked as the Assistant Secretary, the press secretary Ministry of Economic Development Russia. Left the held post in 2016.[2]