Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Anton Lavrov is a founder and the thought leader of the Lasmart company earlier famous in the market as BILab, the owner of the status of the specialist of Microsoft (MVP), knowledge and experience of projects implementation for the large and medium-sized Russian companies from the different industries (Rigla, Polushka, LUSH, Two Sticks and others). Under its management tens of projects in the field of the business analysis, budgetings and reportings were executed. The command working earlier in BILab works as Lasmart now. But focus moved on Retail Data System, but not on the systems of the business analysis for retail as was earlier

During the professional activity Anton Lavrov took part in nearly one hundred projects on development and deployment of business applications for the companies working in the field of trade and distribution. The professional development team, profound knowledge of corporate IT-systems (ERP BI BSC, B2B portals, etc.), free ownership of data domain allow his company to put on the market the demanded, effective and proved solutions. The permanent participant of the industry conferences devoted to application information technologies in the field of business management as the expert.


Interview of 2011

  • Anton, tell, please, why you decided to pass into Digia?
    • I headed the BILab company specializing in implementation and operation of highly effective solutions of budgeting, the analytical reporting and intelligent data analysis. Implementation of integration applications, OLAP storages and also applications and methodologies on profound data analysis is within the remit of BILab. These services are in huge demand in the market, and now demand considerably exceeds possibilities of the company. BILab is a highly professional, but small command. At some point we understood that we do not manage to respond to all requests. We were forced to refuse a part of projects, to transfer them to partners or even to recommend the competitors. But infinitely so could not proceed. To meet the available demand we made the decision to integrate the resources with Digia company.

  • Why Digia?

    • Our specialization quite narrow. Projects which we execute require profound knowledge of narrow data domain. One of the main Digia directions in RussiaCPM (Corporate Performance Management). In Didzhiya the command having extensive experience in CPM and BI, implementing the leading world BI systems for the Russian and international companies works. Besides, the company is able to work with customers from those verticals of the market in which BILab specializes: retail, distribution, FMCG. Digia understands both business needs of this vertical, and technical aspects of projects to the smallest nuances. We at once found a common language and understood that consolidation of our efforts will give synergy effect. Experience of BILab in retail and distribution, specialized industry solutions and practices in the field of Business Intelligence plus competence Digia having unique experience of development of corporate information systems, solutions for mobile devices and web applications will allow to offer the Russian wholesale and retail companies really attractive, powerful and efficient services.

  • What will become with BILab company which you directed?

    • Practice of BILab in full strength passed into Digia. Certainly, we will continue service of all existing clients. Moreover, now, having access to resources of the international Digia, we will be able to offer them the bigger set of services, closing the majority of needs for business automation.

  • Tell about your new position and those tasks which face you in Digia.

    • My position in Digia sounds as Retail/Distribution/FMCG Industry Lead. I will be responsible for business development of Digia in the field of wholesale and retail, offering the companies of this industry all services provided by the company. Except reporting systems, budgetings and analysts in whom I specialized earlier it will be ERP systems (first of all Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail), BI (from Microsoft and QlikTech), web portals and mobile applications. My strategic task – to make Digia one of the strongest system integrators of Russia in retail and distribution.