Makhonov Alexander Mikhaylovich
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Was born on April 3, 1968 in Moscow.
In 1992 graduated from the State institute of physical culture of the Order of Lenin, in 2001 - the Moscow state social university as "economist".
In 2002 underwent occupational retraining according to the "public and municipal administration" program in the Russian academy of public service under the President of the Russian Federation.
From 1986 to 1988 served in armed forces of the USSR.
In the 1990s worked in the Government of Moscow where dealt with issues of development of the city television systems and telecommunications. In March, 1999 Mostelecom was appointed by the CEO.
Since August, 2006 Alexander Makhonov held a position of the adviser to the CEO of MTK Telecom Group. During the period from 2006 to December, 2009 was a strategic consultant of the large Western European companies – telecom operators, producers of the telecom equipment and software.
In 2010-2011 was the CEO of Electronic Moscow.
2012: Head of the department of IT, communication and data protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
In November, 2012 Alexander Makhonov was appointed to the position of the head of the department of IT, communication and data protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. in which worked till February, 2015.
2015: Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
On February 17, 2015 the decree of the Russian President Alexander Makhonov was appointed the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation with release from earlier post.
2016: Suspicion of ownership of Nemo TV
Since April 3, 2016 the German Suddeutsche Zeitung and media from other countries of the world published tens of materials by data from base of the Panama law company Mossack Fonseca, the registrar of offshores and trusts. One of the purposes of existence of offshore schemes is a classification of true owners of business companies. The Russian Internet and business is presented in the database by the project of Nemo TV. Authors connected this OTT-video service with the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Alexander Makhonov.
According to the International consortium of journalists-rassledovateley (ICIJ) originally access to a part of Mossack Fonseca base was got by the informer of the German tax administrations and sold it to tax specialists. Then unknown persons "merged" files in Suddeutsche Zeitung, and the newspaper shared them with ICIJ, with the Center for a research of corruption and the organized crime (OCCRP) and other media. It is about 11.5 million files with an amount of 2.6 terabytes, materials cover decades of work of Mossack Fonseca. Documents about a year were read by 380 journalists from 76 countries and by April, 2016 they found in offshore schemes names of 12 acting and former world leaders, 128 officials and politicians (some names, known in the Russian Federation). Novaya Gazeta[1] acted as the Russian participant of preparation of publications[1].
The edition writes that Alexander Makhonov in 2012 became the shareholder of an offshore company of Nortwest Management Inc maternal for Nemo TV. Journalists could not find documents on change of owners from the moment of registration of Nortwest Management. As the official Makhonov is forbidden to be engaged in business, at the same time in one of documents which is presumably created on August 13, 2013 at this time, Alexander Makhonov is specified by the co-owner of 50% of stocks of an offshore company — at the same time since November, 2012 it already served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
2017: Resignation
At the end of October, 2017 Alexander Makhonov submitted the official report about resignation. In the official comment for media about it it is specified that he resigned at own will.
There was it shortly after Makhonov's subordinate is the Officer-in-Charge of NPO Spetsialnaya tekhnika i svyaz (STIS) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the chief designer of a single system of information and analytical ensuring activity (ISOD) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Andrey Nechayev was delayed on suspicion of exceeding of office powers.
It once again emphasizes that the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation strictly adheres to the principle of the personal responsibility of heads for the offenses made by their subordinates — a number of media quotes the representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Irina Volk. |
According to the Kommersant newspaper, Andrey Nechayev is suspected of the abuses connected with an information system of activity of the Ministry of Internal Affairs — a departmental hardware and software system, including several subsystems and programs. For example, program of economic safety for the Main Directorate for Economic Safety and Counteracting Corruption. The total amount of government contracts on their creation is estimated more than at 1.5 billion rubles. According to sources Kommersant, the ministries could not keep within partners in time, but all works were paid, otherwise in the end of the year unspent means should be returned in the budget.
Logistics of department, health service of employees, personnel work, capital construction and distribution of housing, protection of departmental information and communication belong to the rear sphere of the Ministry of Internal Affairs which was supervised by the leaving Makhonov.