Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Niels Nielsen is the CEO of Nokia in Russia.

Its tasks include strengthening of business of corporation in the territory of the Russian Federation and development of cooperation with partners – operators, distributors and retailers. This position – new Nokia in structure. Nielsen is subordinated to Viktor Saeijs who performs functions of the head of Eurasia Nokia. Earlier Saeijs combined two positions - the CEO of Nokia in Russia and the head of business of Nokia in Eurasia.

Nielsen until now held a position of the CEO of Nokia in Ukraine. He started a career in telecom industry in 2000, having begun work in Orange company at a position of the sales manager. In 2004 passed into Nokia in Denmark. In January, 2006 it was appointed the sales director of Nokia in Scandinavia, since January, 2008 - the CEO of Nokia in Ukraine.