Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2
Novikov Vadim Gennadiyevich

Vadim Gennadiyevich Novikov is the head of IT department of iMusic TV GmbH TV channel. The department of the software is engaged in development, implementation and support of the portal of iMusic TV GmbH TV channel, development of IT infrastructure of holding. Was born 5/20/1979 in Dresden, Germany.

Biography, career

2008 - till present - the head of IT department of TV channel iMusic TV GmbH/deputy chief representative of iMusic TV GmbH, Germany, Moscow.

2006-2007 - technical director of RU.TV TV channel (Russian Media group), Moscow.

Full stroke of creation of technical infrastructure of interactive music TV channel "RU TV" using advanced technologies of digital television broadcasting. The feature of the project consists in novelty of its components: the radio equipment, interactive services of interaction with audience, the web portal of TV channel, production of telecasts in a format of high definition. Broadcasting began in a short time, two months later from the moment of the beginning of the project.

2006 Institute of security concerns and information analysis, project manager, Moscow.

Work in this company became logical continuation to the experience got during creation of a management system for knowledge / an analytical system in Avikomp. The project has the similar purposes, but initially differs in orientation to practical application that undoubtedly puts it in more advantageous position. Practical importance provides the worthy place in a product line of foreign producers (i2, Watson, Visual Analytics) which began to develop methodology of work much earlier and to build information and analytical systems.

The product is intended for information and analytical providing: law-enforcement activity, commercial investigation and counterintelligence, internal information security of the companies.

2004-2005 - chief engineer of SMXCOM (Rambler), Moscow.

Work in this company is remarkable SMS services which at that time time were in apogee of the popularity, and is interesting by technology novelty. Considering high demand of services, traffic and continuous kind of work of a system, all attention it was focused on its maintenance and improvement. High rate of work was set by the competition from the companies providing similar services. It is one of examples when success of the company in many respects depended on efficiency of technical services.

2001-2004 - Avikomp, programmer-designer, then senior programmer, architect, Moscow.

The large interesting project which does not have analogs in the world market of the software. The product belongs to a class of knowledge management systems, the analytical systems. In brief the essence consists in the following. Objects of reality, their property, interrelation with other objects can be described in the form of the ontology consisting of classes and communications between them. Classes have a set of the properties determined by the user. Classes can build hierarchy inheriting properties of parent classes. Ontologies there can be any quantity. On the basis of the constructed ontologies it is possible to create cognitive maps which include objects only of certain classes and having the set properties and communications.

Eventually, users of a system in the course of work with it, gradually create a set of ontologies of different data domains, for example, medical, automobile, etc. Exactly thanks to typification of all objects becomes possible to structure texts, to integrate diverse data sources and to perform search queries over this set of information.

Unfortunately, these principles are difficult for understanding by ordinary users and all power of a system escapes at their insufficiently attentive studying.

The similar principles just now find echoes in the phenomenon which many call the Web 3.0 - the technology describing entities of the document and communication between them in ontologic representation which can be reused and gradually be adjusted, aiming at ideal.

1996-2001 Military engineering and space academy to them. A.F. Mozhaysky, St. Petersburg.

1986-1996 high school No. 33 of Kaliningrad.
