Unlike those who suddenly decided to change once a usual job on a risky startup Nikolay Patskov dreamed own matter still in students. In the mid-nineties he graduated from faculty of computers, end-to-end systems and networks. Being a student, heard about artificial intelligence, robots. Then learned about solutions of ABBYY on translation services, 1C for the aid to accountants, etc. The idea of own project ripened since those times.
But Patskov started a career as the hired employee. Right after institute got a job on line position in Bashneft (1996) and for several years grew to a position of the director of IT department (2000). But already then he understood that this position – a step for start of own case.
Patskov began the business with foundation of web studio which was also engaged in consulting in the field of IT and business process automation. Then gradually the technology allowing to create automatically documents on standard templates was also developed. It formed the basis of service ( initially was called).
In Russia then demand for legaltech only just arose, but many lawyers already complained that they lack the simple tool which will be able to undertake daily routine work and will allow to concentrate on really important and difficult tasks, Patskov remembers. And it is just that case when demand generated the offer. So the idea of a new startup – development of the designer of legally competent documents was born.
The FreshDoc project (it is initial - was started in 2008 only using own means. As of October, 2016, more than 750,000 clients use technology.
What advantages and difficulties of work in the young beginning company, Nikolay Patskov told in article "The cemetery of programmers. Why not all IT shniki want to work in corporations".