Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Pchelintsev Alexander Anatolyevich
Pchelintsev Alexander Anatolyevich


Alexander Anatolyevich Pchelintsev was born in 1970.

Graduated from the Irkutsk institute of the national economy. Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Worked as the portfolio managing director in Pallada Esset Management management company.

1998: CEO of UK "Alpha Capital"

From 1998 to 2006 UK "Alpha Capital" as the CEO directed.

In the 2006th joined a command of Gazprombank, held a post of the deputy chief of department of trust management of assets of clients — the head of department of sales. In this position it worked till 2011[1].

2011: CEO of UK "Gazprombank-Asset Management"

In 2011 held a position of the CEO of UK "Gazprombank-Asset Management", became the vice president of Gazprombank. Worked for 2016.

In 2011 became the board member of PJSC Rostelecom.

For May 11, 2018 Alexander Anatolyevich Pchelintsev works as the board member of PJSC Rostelecom[2].