Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2
Petrov Dmitry Viktorovich
Petrov Dmitry Viktorovich


Graduated from the Moscow State Construction University of Kuibyshev.

Worked in Nvision Group company where there passed the way from the associate director of Purchasing department and logistics to the director of Directorate of purchases and logistics. Development of mutually beneficial relations with suppliers and contractors and also the organization and control of a full stroke of deliveries for Group fell within the scope of its responsibility. Within the activity Dmitry took part in implementation of a number of projects of federal scale.

In group X-Com Дмитрий Petrov works since 2017. As of October, 2017 — the head of department of product management X-Com. On this post is responsible for the general management with department of product management, growth of turnover of trade inventories, development of vendor relations and also the business process optimization connected with purchase of products.

As of August, 2019 more than 15 years directed purchases and logistics of large system integrators, having acquired experience of building of work of divisions, team buildings and business process optimizations.