Was born on September 26 (according to other data on September 25) 1972 in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. At the 15th summer age arrived to Moscow where graduated from evening school and got a job the leading programmer at the Moscow research institute of calculating mechanical engineering (Niischetmash).
In 2006 the project started Odnoklassniki on own means, having resigned from the post of the head of developments of the British company i-CD Publishing. In two years the company filed a lawsuit against Popkov, claiming that, working on the project, it violated the contract (case was settled the settlement agreement).
In 2007 28.5% of Odnoklassniki were purchased by DST fund for $17.1 million (it corresponds to business valuation in $60 million). Afterwards DST increased a share in other shareholder of Odnoklassniki — Forticom — and eventually became the only owner of social network.
Popkov who ceased to manage Odnoklassniki in the fall of the 2008th soon based a startup of Sravni.ru (comparison of banking services).