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Popov Pyotr
Popov Pyotr


He graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Candidate of Mathematical Sciences.

He worked at Nival, where he participated in the development of the games "Heroes of might and magic V" and "Allodes Online."

In February 2023, Pyotr Popov, who headed Yandex's search and advertising technology business group from March 2022, will return to the role of a service station. He will focus on the development of technological solutions in Search and Alice, in particular on the development and implementation of next-generation neural networks.

2023: Vice President, Advertising Technology, VK

Pyotr Popov joined the VK team. This became known on October 3, 2023.

Popov took over as vice president of advertising technology. The area of ​ ​ responsibility of the Pyotr Popov included the development of the advertising direction - one of the key businesses of VK. The vice president will focus on improving the efficiency of the company's advertising platforms and strengthening marketing technologies that solve the media and performance tasks of advertisers.

Before moving to VK, Popov worked at Yandex for more than 10 years and was engaged in the development of search and advertising technologies[1]
