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Баннер в шапке 2


Semyonov Vadim Viktorovich
Semyonov Vadim Viktorovich



Vadim Semyonov was born on August 21, 1965 in Leningrad.

In 1987 ended Leningrad the Orders of Lenin and awards of the Labour Red Banner the state university of A.A. Zhdanov in Jurisprudence where studied together with the current President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev.

From 1987 to 1999 worked at different positions in public institutions and the organizations where was responsible for legal issues and also in Delta Telecom company (now enters into Sky Link).


In 1999-2003 provided legal maintenance of a number of key transactions on consolidation of the companies of cellular communication.

Then for 2009 worked at executive positions in OJSC MegaFon, including the head of legal department of the operator, and then the director of legal issues.

In August, 2008 Vadim Semyonov is appointed the acting as the associate director according to legal issues of MegaFon, having given way to Anna Goryainova.


In September, 2009 it was appointed the adviser for corporate development of the CEO of JSC Rostelecom.

In January, 2010 - the deputy CEO of Rostelecom for corporate development.

On September 10, 2010 the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications sent for the approval in the government the candidate for the new CEO of Svyazinvest — Vadim Semyonov.

Semyonov works in the industry and very good lawyer long ago, the board member of Svyazinvest, the managing partner of Marshall Capital Partners Konstantin Malofeyev notes. Svyazinvest, according to him, needs just such head, the closest purpose of holding — completion of reorganization. By March, 2011 interregional companies (MRK) of Svyazinvest had to join Rostelecom. Control of transfer of assets of holding in Rostelecom and, perhaps, behind its subsequent disbandment should become one of tasks of the new CEO of Svyazinvest, tell two sources close to Svyazinvest and its shareholders.

Semyonov — one of the main candidates, the employee of government office adds. It will be better if the conflict around Svyazinvest is extinguished by the new CEO, he explains.

The management of Svyazinvest was divided into two camps — the old command which found the former management of Ministry of Communications led by Leonid Reiman (including Evgeny Yurchenko), and the natives of Marshall Capital Partners investment fund connected to management of holding after appointment of Igor Shchegolev as the minister.

The Presidential Administration has questions both to Marshall, and to Yurchenko, the official, close to administration, claimed, calling Semyonov by the "third force" designed to balance a situation in holding.

Having become the CEO of Svyazinvest, Semyonov could head Board of Directors of Rostelecom — this post is traditionally held by the head of state holding. The source in Board of Directors of Svyazinvest called such scenario "almost approved", and in the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications — "real".

On December 1, 2010 the solution of Board of Directors of Sky Link Ltd Vadim Semyonov is elected the chairman of the board of directors of the company.


In the summer of 2013 Rostelecom announced the telecom operator Vadim Semyonov's appointment the chairman of the board of directors of the company.

In April, 2014 at an extraordinary meeting of shareholders it is elected as a member of Board of Directors of Rostelecom.

2019: Appointment as the head of consortium of Rostelecom and MegaFon of development of a 5G in Russia

On January 30, 2019 it became known of Vadim Semyonov's appointment the director ("Didzhital for the business") created jointly by Rostelecom and MegaFon for development of networks of fifth generation (5G) in Russia.

We agreed that Vadim Semyonov became the head of this company — the head of Rostelecom Mikhail Oseevsky within a round table "Perspectives of creation and development of communication networks of a 5G in the Russian Federation" said.

Former head of Svyazinvest and board member of Rostelecom Vadim Semyonov

According to Oseevsky, the technical director of new infrastructure operator will appoint MegaFon.

For development of a 5G communication Rostelecom and MegaFon  announced creation of joint venture  in January, 2019 though they agreed about a similar initiative at the end of the 2017th. It is supposed that consolidation of efforts will allow operators to cut down considerably expenses on deployment of infrastructure of a 5G and to accelerate commercial start of new networks in Russia.

The head of the joint venture will be faced by a problem of coordination of actions of two largest operators, including in the legal framework therefore appointment to this post of Vadim Semyonov would be logical, the CEO of "TMT of Consulting" Konstantin Ankilov considers.

Vadim Semyonov well solved problems within the management of Svyazinvest and proved as the person who can entrust the important project requiring serious expenses — the head of the Council of directors of TopContact Artur Shamilov said to Kommersant.

"obtaining the spectral range, free and sufficient on width, for deployment of 5G networks under tasks, under products, including digital economy will become a main objective to the joint venture or, maybe, once in the future – under needs of mass market", the CEO of MegaFon Gevork Vermishyan explained.

According to him, the most preferable is the range of 3.4-3.8 GHz which is already occupied "by a large number of other users, not telekomovsky".[1]