Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2
Shchapov Oleg Vladimirovich
Shchapov Oleg Vladimirovich


Oleg Vladimirovich Shchapov was born on October 15, 1974 in the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

In 1996 with honors graduated from the Irkutsk Economic academy (since 2002 the Baikal State university of economy and the right) as "Economist manager".

"The choice of higher education institution was obvious: The academy is one of the best higher educational institutions of an economic profile beyond the Urals. Plus deep hobby for economy last two years of training at school affected", - Shchapov tells.

Oleg Vladimirovich took the first steps on a career in native Youzhny-Sakhalinske on the Children's railroad where he repeatedly was recognized the best in a profession: "Best person on duty on the station" and "Best driver". On the 2nd rate of Academy Oleg Vladimirovich became the laboratory assistant of "Economy and Production Management" department. On the 3rd rate of Academy came to the private company which is engaged in export-import transactions where worked year on the economist's position.

The sector came to IT in 1995. "Always pulled me to innovations. I felt that this my calling. IT business as such in the 94th was not yet, and the Internet and new technologies began with telecom operators therefore I decided to begin to submit technologies with JSC ElektroSvyaz in the Irkutsk region – now it is the Irkutsk branch of Rostelecom. At the beginning of work participated in start of mobile operator that at that time was just "wonder of the world". Now it is the largest mobile operator of Eastern Siberia Baikalwestcom. In JSC ElektroSvyaz worked the head of marketing department till 2000", - Oleg Vladimirovich tells.

In 2000 — 2001 held a position of the CEO of Osnova Ltd (Irkutsk). Then worked as the director of business development of JSC Business Network Irkutsk.

From 2002 to 2008 held a post of the Commercial director of Si Ti Ay LLC (CTI).

From 2008 to 2015 was the CEO of Si Ti Ay LLC (CTI).


Oleg Vladimirovich Shchapov is married, raises the daughter. In free time likes to travel together with family, to read professional literature, is fond of the photo.