Taranov Valery Arturovich is the director of the department of state policy in the field of communication of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.
Was born on December 15, 1958 in Dzerzhinsk.
In 1985 graduated from the Kharkiv polytechnical institute majoring in automatic equipment and telemechanics.
In 1987-1994 held different positions in the Special software design office of Elitan of the Ministry of electronic industry of the USSR.
In 1994-1995 worked in Management of Gossvyaznadzor of Russia across the Kostroma region.
From 1995 to 2001 was the deputy chief of public institution "Management of the state supervision of communication and informatization in the Russian Federation across the Kostroma region".
In 2001 became the head of development department of radio aids of JSC ElektroSvyaz of the Kostroma region.
Since 2002 worked as the chief of public institution "Management of the state supervision of communication and informatization in the Russian Federation across the Kostroma region".
In 2004-2006 — the chief of the department of Federal service on supervision in the field of communication across Moscow and Moscow areas.
From 2006 to 2007 — the deputy head of department of supervision and control in the field of information technologies and communication of Federal service on supervision in the field of communication.
In 2008 became the chief of the center of technical accounting of the Moscow branch of JSC "CenterTelecom".