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2024: Sentence - 1 year and 3 months for embezzlement of compulsory medical insurance funds

On September 11, 2024, one of the former top managers of the Sante clinic in Tomsk, Pavel Khramov, was sentenced to one year and three months in prison for fraud related to the theft of funds from the compulsory health insurance fund (compulsory medical insurance). The trial took place in the Kirovsky District Court of Tomsk, which found him guilty of committing a crime on an especially large scale. According to the prosecutor's office, Khramov and his accomplices organized a scheme that made it possible to illegally steal more than ₽25,5 million.

According to RIA Tomsk, Pavel Khramov, who held the position of commercial director of the clinic, gave instructions to enter inaccurate information into the medical documents of patients. These data were used to obtain compensation from the compulsory medical insurance for treatment that was not actually carried out. As a result of such actions, the clinic received unjustified payments in the amount of about ₽7 million. Khramov pleaded guilty and entered into a pre-trial agreement with the investigation, which led to a reduction in his sentence.

The head of the Tomsk clinic "Sante" was sentenced to 1 year in prison for embezzlement of compulsory medical insurance funds

A criminal case against the management of the Sante clinic was initiated back in 2023. The main defendants in the case were the owner of the clinic, Ekaterina Felzinger, the chief physician and oncologist. During the investigation, it turned out that compulsory medical insurance funds were received for the treatment of cancer patients, which was not actually carried out. After that, another accused appeared in the case - Pavel Khramov, who was responsible for the commercial activities of the institution. In July 2024, it became known that Khramov agreed to a deal with the investigation and gave evidence that helped the investigation.

By a court decision, Khramov was found guilty of fraud using his official position on an especially large scale and sentenced to serve his sentence in a general regime correctional colony. The investigation is ongoing against other defendants in the case, including Ekaterina Felzinger.[1]
