Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2
Sover Thierry
Sover Thierry


Thierry Sover is 44 years old, he graduated from law department of the University of Geneva (1986), is the Swiss lawyer (1988) and the Swiss diplomaed consultant for tax questions (1992).


Thierry Sauvaire occupies the post of the CEO of Eurocement Holding AG company since April, 2008.

  • In 1989 he started the career in the structure of legal and tax Department of the company entering into Big Four.
  • In 1995 Thierry Sover held a post of the head of the Geneva legal and tax Department of this company.
  • In 1997 Thierry Sover was appointed the copartner of the company.
  • In 2002 he was elected the colleagues the board member and remained on this post until the leaving the company in March, 2008, after 18 years of work in this company.