Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2
Ulyankin Sergey Viktorovich
Ulyankin Sergey Viktorovich

Ulyankin Sergey Viktorovich is the former director of the department of digital television and use of new technologies in means of mass communications of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.


Was born on June 1, 1977 in the city of Lyubertsy of the Moscow region.

In 2000 graduated from Moscow Technical University of Informatics and Communications, faculty "Radio Communication, Broadcasting and Television". Candidate of Technical Sciences. Author of a number of scientific articles and publications.

In 2000‑2004 – the research associate of research laboratory of digital processing of TV signals of Moscow Technical University of Informatics and Communications.

In 2004 defended the dissertation for a degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences on the subject "Development of Methods and the Monitoring Device of Transmission Quality of Video Information Signals in the Systems of Digital Television".

In 2004‑2007 – the leading specialist, the chief specialist, the chief specialist expert of Management of control of radiation and registration of the distribution zone and VChU of Federal service in supervision in the field of communication.

In 2007 - 2008 – the consultant of Management of control and supervision of Federal service for supervision in the field of mass communications, communication and protection of cultural heritage.

In 2008‑2009 – the head of department of transition to a digital format of TV broadcasting of Department of digital television and use of new technologies in means of mass communications of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

In 2009 - 2010 the associate director of Department of digital television and use of new technologies in means of mass communications of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

Since December, 2010 – the acting as the director of the department of digital television and use of new technologies in means of mass communications of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

In December, 2011 it is appointed the director of this Department of digital television and use of new technologies in means of mass communications (for January, 2020 the department is abolished) the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.