Verzilin Mikhail Mikhaylovich
Candidate of Technical Sciences, lieutenant general of internal service of a stock.
Graduated from the Leningrad fire and technical school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR (1976), the Higher engineering fire and technical school Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR (1984). Began service as the chief of guard of HPV No. 10 UPO of the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs Mosgorispolkom.
In 1984 it was appointed to a position of the inspector of orgstroyevy department of GUPO Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and passed all positions up to the director of the department of rescue and fire fighting forces, special fire protection and civil defense forces of Emercom of Russia.
With its direct participation the new appearance and basic approaches to creation of a federal fire service are developed. Under its management the regulatory legal base of the organization of activity of a federal fire service of Emercom of Russia is processed, a number of government documents is prepared: on the organization of fire fighting on the objects crucial for national security of the country according to the list of the organizations in which object and special divisions of a federal fire service are created Regulations on FPS are developed.
Was directly involved in ensuring fire safety of carrying out the International aviation space salons in. Zhukovsky (Moscow region).
Has wide practical experience of the leadership in fighting of fire divisions on liquidation of major fire and technology accidents. Took part in suppression of a number of the major and difficult fire.
It is awarded with the state and departmental awards among which: medal order "For Merit to the Fatherland" 2nd Class (1999), hordes. Courage (2000), breastplate to "Best worker of fire protection", medal.