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+ Vitozhents Alexander Genrikhovich
Vitozhents Alexander Genrikhovich
Vitozhents Alexander Genrikhovich


Alexander was born on January 6, 1973.

As of 2011, the authorized capital of Telecom-Guard company is 5 million rubles. Them them 750 thousand rubles – Leonid Lyubomirovich Raykov's deposit, the most part in the amount of 3.5 million rubles – Mikhail Sergeyevich Zhukov and 750 more thousand rubles – Alexander Genrkhovich Vitozhents who at the moment is the CEO of the company.

In 2016 Andrey Tsybin described CNews the reason of resignation of Alexander Vitozhents as his conflict with shareholders who remained are dissatisfied with some aspects of financial performance of 2015. According to the USRLE, at the moment in addition to Vitozhents with a 15 percent share in the company Mikhail Zhukov (a share in 55%), Leonid Raykov (10%), Igor Kamenskoy (10%) and Efim Fayfman (10%) are registered as like those. Vitozhenets says that it is especially nominal figures. As real beneficiaries, on his assurance, the famous IT entrepreneurs Anton Sushkevich and Dmitry Taraba standing behind Zhukov act — the former founders of NVision company[1].

As it appears from the USRLE database, Alexander Vitozhents in 2016 is the absolute owner and the CEO of the Unitekh company created in May, 2015. The profile described on its website substantially is crossed with an area of interest of Telecom protection. Alexey Bezobrazov who appears in the Circuit.focus system as the acting and former founder of several tens different organizations of activity was registered as initially her founder. Originally the CEO of Unitekh was Lev Brovko — the above-mentioned former deputy of Vitozhents in Telecom protection.

For March 26, 2018 Alexander Genrikhovich Vitozhents works at a position of the CEO of Universalnye tekhnologii LLC.
