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Баннер в шапке 2


White Nikita Yuryevich
White Nikita Yuryevich

White Nikita Yuryevich - since December, 2008 the governor of the Kirov region. In June, 2016 it was delayed at taking of a bribe (cm lower).


Was born on June 13, 1975 in Perm, Russia.


1996 - graduated with honors from economics department of Perm State University.

At the same time studied at law department of Perm State University, but[1] left the 4th rate[1].

Completed postgraduate studies at Perm State University.

Passed a training in Oxford (Great Britain).

Scientific degree

Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Candidate of historical sciences.


In the years of study worked as the correspondent of the Perm TV channel "T-7", was a broker of Sigma-2 LLP, PIF investment fund.

1992 - For 1993 - worked as the journalist of the "Evening Prikamye" program of the Perm State TV and Radio Broadcasting Company.

1993 - founded and headed Fin-Ist investment company.

1998 - the vice president of the Perm financial and industrial group. Board member of the Perm financial and industrial group.

2001 - the deputy of Legislative Assembly of the Perm region on the single-candidate district, worked as the deputy, and then - the Chairman of the Committee on economic policy and taxes ZS softwares, was a member of the deputy groups "Industrialists of Prikamye" and Union of Right Forces.

2001 - came into the Union of Right Forces (before was a member of the movement "New Force"). Practically at once it was elected the vice-chairman of the Perm regional department of SPS, and in a year - the chairman of the Perm regional department of SPS.

June, 2002 - the deputy CEO of Investment Banking Group Parma LLC.

May, 2003 - the CEO of Investment Banking Group Parma LLC.

March, 2004 - May, 2005 - the vice governor of the Perm region. Supervised issues of development of regional economy, consumer market, small business, a mortgage, venture business and also foreign economic relations and some other the directions.

Since 2004 is a part of Federal political council of the party Union of Right Forces.

On May 28, 2005 - it is elected the Chairman of Federal political council of the party of a batch.

December, 2006 - is elected by the deputy of Legislative assembly of Perm Krai according to the list of a batch of a batch. Enters into committee on budget and tax policy ZS PC and Union of Right Forces fraction.

December, 2007 - was headed by the list of political party Union of Right Forces at State Duma elections of the Russian Federation.

September, 2008 - resigned of the Chairman of FPS of a batch the Union of Right Forces and left a batch.

On December 8, 2008 - Kirovski is provided by the President as the candidate for the governor's position to area.

On December 18, 2008 - the decision of Legislative assembly of the Kirov region it is given authority to the Governor of the Kirov region.

On January 15, 2009 - there took place the inauguration in Dramatic theater of the city of Kirov.

Nikita Belykh about results of 2012

Business secrets with Nikita Belykh

Detention at taking of a bribe

On June 24, 2016 Management on investigation of especially important issues of the Investigative Committee of Russia concerning Nikita Belykh brought criminal case upon receiving a bribe by it (Part 6 of Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The governor of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh was delayed at taking of a bribe

According to the investigators, White personally and through the intermediary got bribes in especially large size for the total amount of 400 thousand euros (that corresponds to 24.1 million rubles) for commission of actions for benefit of the briber and JSC New Vyatka Ski Plant and Forestry and Landscape Management Company LLC controlled by it and also for the general protection and connivance on service at implementation by the Government of the Kirov region of control of the course of implementation of investment projects by the enterprises and conducting business activity in the territory of the Kirov region.

White it was caught red-handed at taking of a bribe at one of restaurants of Moscow then it is brought to Investigative Committee for carrying out with it necessary investigative actions.

Preceding a hysterics which is lifted in similar cases by supporters and colleagues, I want to cool a heat at once: corruption crimes have no political color. I think that citizens Khoroshavin and Gayzer can confirm it. Paraphrasing the known expressions – "The bribe does not smell … but sometimes shines. A bribe it and in Africa a bribe". The only thing that can guarantee the investigation is a comprehensiveness and objectivity of investigation, - the representative of Investigative Committee Vladimir Markin said

Public activity

2007 - participated in the actions devoted to memory of the victims of fascism. When Belykh learned about participation in an action in administration of the Rostov region and plenipotentiary representation, their representatives refused to arrive to an action[2].

On January 7, 2009 - participated in Christmas vespers which took place in Sacred Assumption Cathedral in Kirov[3].

On March 17, 2009 - took part in opening of the 20th Championship on hunting biathlon on the Cup of the Governor of the Kirov region as which organizer "Kirov Regional Society of Hunters and Fishers" public organization acts[4].

On May 24, 2010 - took part in record of the show "Comedy Women" (the comic program with participation of the governor aired TNT TV channel)[5].

On July 4, 2010 - took part in a sports heat within which more than 40 swimmers from all area competed, passed on open water in. White Holunitsa. Before opening of competitions the governor wished all good luck and hoped that this swimming championship on open water will become traditional and annual and that swimming will become the leading sport in the Vyatka region. Then went to a heat to a distance more than two kilometers[6].

On October 7, 2010 - participated in a memorial event for the journalist of Novaya Gazeta Anna Politkovskaya in Kirov killed in 2006. Nikita Belykh silently approached Politkovskaya's portrait and laid at it flowers[7].

On February 25, 2011 - took part in work of the round table organized in the Kirov regional department of Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation Vyatka of Uvala. A round table was it is devoted to discussion of the questions connected with providing the population of the Kirov region with the state guarantees according to the federal legislation[8].

On July 27, 2011 - visited with a business visit to Karkino where there took place the seminar of an asset of the Kirovo-Chepetsk organization of veterans of war and work[9].

On August 3, 2011 - participated in the All-Russian meeting of bloggers which took place in the Kirov region. Within the meeting the discussion devoted to development of internal tourism in Russia took place[10].

On December 1, 2011 - took part in shootings of the new clip of the project Rodnopolisa. As well as in the previous roller "Che?!", in the clip "Great, Mother" the head of the region read a rap again[8].

On December 24, 2011 - participated in a meeting in Kirov[9].

On March 14, 2012 - St. Petersburg - regions of Russia and the abroad took part in opening of the VI St. Petersburg partneriat ". Interregional and international cooperation of small and medium business" which began work within the St. Petersburg technical fair which is taking place in "Lenexpo"[10].

Nikita Belykh about meetings and elections



White N.Yu. Ekonomika of GULAG as the system of forced labor (on materials of Vyatlaga of 1938-1953). - M.: Russian political encyclopedia (ROSSPEN): "Presidential Center of B.N. Yeltsin" fund, 2011. - 296 pages.


  • November 16, 2010 - Memorable sign "For Merits" of Federal Drug Control Service.

  • 2012 - Medal "For Merits in Carrying Out the All-Russian Population Census of 2010".

Interesting Facts

As speaks itself White, he earned the first serious money in 1993 - from speculation with vouchers (at that time the financial child prodigy was 18 years old).

"The technology was simple. Bought vouchers in Perm, then sold for currency in TsRUB and on RTSB (The central Russian universal exchange and Russian Commodities and Raw Material Exchange). Earned from a difference"[1].


Professionally does swimming (headed Federation of swimming of Perm Krai) and big tennis.

Among a hobby of White media called mountain skiing and bowling.

Is interested in the biography of the Russian philosophers abroad and paleontology of the Permian Period.

Marital Status

He is married, has three sons.
