Makov Yury Veniaminovich
Born on October 21, 1970 in the city of Volgorechensk, Kostroma Region.
In 1993 he graduated from the Ivanovo Institute of Chemical Technology, specialty: chemical technology of materials and products of electronic equipment. Chemical Process Engineer.
In 1998 he graduated from Ivanovskaya state the Textile Academy (by order Ministries of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2012 No. 995 it was merged with Ivanovo State Architectural construction University in), Ivanovo State Polytechnic University specialty: economics and management at the enterprise. Economist-manager.
1993: Kostroma GRES
From 07.1993 to 08.2004 - creamer-bottler fuel-transport workshop, head of department, head of the sales department of electric power OJSC Kostroma GRES"."
2004: NOVES Company
From 08.2004 to 03.2005 - Leading Specialist, Deputy General Director of NOVES LLC, Volgorechensk.
2005: Fifth Generating Company of the Wholesale Electricity Market
From 03.2005 to 03.2008 - Head of the Expert and Analytical Center, Head of the Department of OJSC "Fifth Generating Company of the Wholesale Electricity Market."
2008: CEO of the National Energy Exchange
From 05.2008 to 10.2010 - General Director of OJSC "National Energy Exchange."
2010: Head of the urban district Volgorechensk
From 10.2010 to 09.2015 - Head of the urban district of the city of Volgorechensk, with the execution of the powers of the chairman of the Duma of the urban district of the city of Volgorechensk.
2015: Deputy Governor of Kostroma Oblast
Since 23.11.2015 - Deputy Governor of the Kostroma Region.
2020: Powers as Deputy Governor of the Kostroma Region
In accordance with the order of the governor of the Kostroma region "On the distribution of duties between the first deputy governor of the Kostroma region, deputy governors of the Kostroma region" dated December 11, 2020 No. 824-r Makov Yuri Veniaminovich directly coordinates and controls the work:
- Department of Economic Development of the Kostroma Region;
- Department of Civil Registration of the Kostroma Region;
- Department of Digital Development of the Administration of the Kostroma region
2021: 122nd place in the ranking of regional IT officials in terms of income
For the period from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021, Yuri Makov's income amounted to 2.9 million rubles. As a result, 122nd place in the ranking of regional IT officials by income for 2021 according to CNews Analytics[1].