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Zavileysky Mikhail
Zavileysky Mikhail

Mikhail Zavileysky graduated from physical faculty of the State University of St.-Petersburg, in 2006 received MBA degree at the Stockholm school of economy where he developed the concept of HRM as marketing of human resources.

Mikhail Zavileysky in DataArt company since 2001. From 1998 to 2001 Mikhail headed the operations DataArt in Russia, since 2002 joined the companies the board. The main objective considers risk management of the company and participation in projects for development of business. Mikhail Zavileysky took current position in the company after separation of DataArt and company which was born from the internal DataArt project. Since 2001 the DataArt company grew, increased turnovers and profit more than four times. Mikhail Zavileysky laid the foundation of development of regional presence of DataArt, under its management offices in Voronezh, Kherson and Kharkiv are opened. In 2004 DataArt became the best employer among the IT companies of Russia.

Mikhail is an author more than 40 publications, the participant of conferences and thematic round tables, cooperates with a number of editions: "CEO", "Growth management", Expert.