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DataArt is an American software outsourcing company specializing in Internet applications, corporate databases and industrial automation tools.
Revenue millions $

Number of employees

Since 1997, DataArt has designed, developed, modernized and supported IT solutions in the financial industry, healthcare, telecom, tourism, media and the Internet of Things. DataArt engineers are distinguished not only by their mastery of the most modern technologies, but by their deep knowledge of the subject areas in which they work.

The financial sector, online travel, development for mobile devices are the company's key expertise. The breakthrough of the Embedded area developing in DataArt was the start of the DeviceHive project, an open platform using network and cloud technologies that allows implementing solutions for information exchange between devices - Machine-to-Machine (M2M) (open source).

DataArt invests in the development of Competence Centers, where colleagues study new things, share experiences, prepare seminars, trainings, training programs. The results of the work of the Centers are R&D projects and industry areas.

DataArt has built an educational system that helps to increase the level of knowledge on modern programming technologies, on the management and methodologies of IT projects, communication and presentation skills. The company has more than 60 courses in various technologies: .NET, C++, Java, Ruby, Mobile, QA, Python, JavaScript, automation, design and many other areas. A number of courses on Usability and Data Visualization were also prepared by the Centers of Competence.

DataArt customers - companies with unique business models - are located in the USA and Great Britain, and distributed teams of specialists - in development centers in Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Argentina and Bulgaria. DataArt's clients include companies in their fields: Nasdaq, S&P, CollerCapital, BankingUp, OCADO, artnet, Betfair, Skyscanner, ColletteVacations, Booker, CharlesRiverLaboratories and hundreds of others.


Development centers: Voronezh, St. Petersburg, Kyiv, Kharkov, Kherson.

DataArt is organized as a network of technology companies. More than 2,200 specialists from Central and Eastern Europe, Great Britain, Germany, the USA and Latin America collaborate with DataArt.

Offices: New York, Jacksonville (Florida, USA), London (UK).

Performance indicators

2023: Ninth place in revenue among Ukrainian IT companies - 4-4.6 billion hryvnia

In December 2024, Forbes published a rating of the largest Ukrainian IT companies by revenue. DataArt took ninth place with revenue of 4-4.6 billion hryvnia at the end of 2023. Read more here.

2018: Revenue growth 10% to $140m

On February 19, 2019, the international technology consultant DataArt announced the results of its activities in 2018. The company's revenue amounted to $140 million. The solid growth of DataArt is due to sustainable development in all areas of the company's activities.

More than 50 long-term partners (data as of February 2019) continue to use the services of DataArt financial practice in the development and transformation of critical IT systems, and 22 customers chose DataArt in 2018 thanks to the technical expertise and capabilities of the company.

Several clients, including one of the international insurance companies, attracted DataArt to develop projects based on blockchain technology.

DataArt continued to work towards digital transformation for clients in finance and asset management and completed large-scale enterprise modernization projects for key clients in financial data and analytics.

In 2018, DataArt's medical practice steadily expanded its portfolio, increasing revenue and operational efficiency. The year was marked by the signing of contracts with large customers - AiCure and Omnicomm.

DataArt made serious efforts to develop its business and expand in the German market, as a result of which it entered into agreements with important customers (in particular, with ClinicAll), and other promising projects were outlined.

Travel practice DataArt has partnered with several customers, including one of its online travel agencies. In addition, the practice successfully completed six projects in the actively developing business travel sector and launched the Center for Advanced Technologies in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Travel in 2018 paid a lot of attention to industrial training and advanced training of specialists, which, in turn, should maximize the return on investment of customers.

The practice has completed integration with more than 300 APIinterfaces-, continued to invest in research and development in the field of blockchain, becoming one of the leaders of the relevant HTNG working group (Hospitality Technology Next Generation, an international non-profit organization that brings together participants in the field of hospitality and technological innovation).

To further develop industrial practice in 2018, DataArt invited Max Zhdanov, an industry veteran and ex-head of the tourism department, to the post of vice president of DataArt's travel practice. hotel business Luxoft

DataArt media practice ended 2018 with revenue of $23 million, which is 37% more than in 2017. Thanks to the arrival of Russell Karp, an experienced professional in the digital media industry, the company's leadership staff in the United States was expanded .

The year was marked by the signing of a number of agreements with eight clients, including Meetup, the largest network of local communities for organizing offline interest meetings.

Media practice continued to draw on years of product development experience for betting industry companies in the UK (such as Betfair Paddy Power) in the growing US sports betting market, where skills to effectively collaborate with corporate customers in real-time data processing and analytics are in demand.

The DataArt Blockchain Advanced Technology Center partnered with R3 in 2018 to develop products and solutions on the Corda platform, completing its first series of projects.

In 2018, iGaming's practice expanded blockchain expertise by providing its DataArt Blockchain Charity Gambling Platform for online charity lotteries developed from Ethereum. The team also announced a partnership with Playtech.

Retail and distribution practices have developed several solutions, such as the digital platform for optimizing delivery times and costs and SmartEcommerce. In addition, contracts have been signed with several well-known European clients, including Farmdrop.



  • DataArt restarted telecom practice, whose income grew by 51% at the end of the year. The number of telecommunications customer companies has doubled. Several key industry players have partnered with DataArt, including IXIA, Telestax and Canonical.
  • The financial practice received 29 new clients and launched many projects, and its revenue growth was 75%. In addition, the practice has approved the status of a leader in a number of areas, including the use of blockchain in compliance, cybersecurity and data protection, cloud technologies, and work with regulators.
  • The healthcare practice has almost doubled revenue, expanding the customer list, including at the expense of the UK and continental European markets. The number of large customers, contracts with which bring in more than a million dollars a year, has also almost doubled.
  • Media practice revenues increased by 27%. All year, DataArt, together with a music and video distributor company, has been preparing revolutionary transformations in the industry, working on a new generation of rights management and artist promotion systems. Another major project was the order of a conglomerate of companies for infrastructure migration, as well as the creation of a cloud analytics and reporting service.
  • The online travel practice entered into agreements with important customers in 2016, including ISS GMT, JacTravel and Travelport, held a number of notable events and won quite a few awards. DataArt achieved Oracle's Gold Level Partner status, joined Travelport Partner Network and hosted Question Time conferences in the US and UK. Travel practice reached the final of the Travolution competition for the title of the best technology team and won the Berlin hackathon Tnooz.
  • IoT practice has achieved revenue growth of 41%, forming expertise in cloud solutions, data management and machine learning. DataArt's list of strategic partners includes companies such as AWS, RedHat and Mesosphere.


  • DataArt's client portfolio remains highly diversified - from large companies (28%) to representatives of medium (27%) and small businesses (25%) and start-up entrepreneurs (19%). The top ten customers account for 37% of total revenue. The company is also satisfied with loyalty: 43 of the 45 largest clients in 2012 continued to cooperate with DataArt in 2013. The main reasons for customer loyalty are deep industrial expertise, stable quality of services and sanity of the company's management. The company's growth leaders were industrial practices. The largest - technology for investment finance - rose 28%. The main clients of the financial practice are asset management companies and brokerage firms. Media practice has grown more than 90% due to high market demand and DataArt's readiness to develop the full range of solutions equally efficiently - from cloud enterprise to mobile user applications. Bank, BNP Paribas Motorola, Spirent Communications,,,, Ernst&Young Standard & Poor’s ValueLine Misys, Cancer Research, Rus Ergo,.

History of DataArt

2022: Sale of Russian business

On June 27, 2022, it became known about the sale of the Russian business DataArt. It was acquired by the investment company N3 group and managing partner of the Tashir MEDICA investment holding Arsen Galstyan.

Among the assets that DataArt transferred to N3 group and Arsen Galstyan are existing labor contracts, legal entities that exclusively represented DataArt in Russia, office space and some information systems, said DataArt President and Founder Evgeny Goland. The new company, which inherited the assets of DataArt, will operate independently under the ITentika brand.

IT company DataArt sold its Russian business. It is estimated at 2 billion rubles

The N3 group said in a statement that the deal will keep a professional team "with experience in developing complex technological systems." Russian development centers totaled about 1.5 thousand employees, by the end of June 2022 their number was reduced to 500.

The parties did not disclose the amount of the transaction. It can range from 1.5 to 2 billion rubles, based on the number of developers of 500 people, Yuri Aleinikov, managing partner of Antero Group, told Forbes. He believes that the revenue potential of a company with such a number of employees is 1 billion rubles a year.

In March 2022, DataArt warned that it would stop all investments, hiring and business development in the Russian Federation due to the start of a Russian special operation in Ukraine. In April 2022, the Wall Street Journal wrote about the departure of the company's employees from Russia. The company provided employees with the opportunity to move to Armenia, Serbia and Kazakhstan.

DataArt mainly had international customers, they did not work on the Russian market "very actively," says Alexander Egorov, general director of the Reksoft software company . According to him, business in Russia for international companies can be a real burden, so those assets that previously could be sold at the price of two or three proceeds may not cost anything at the moment.[1]

2019: Opening an office in Armenia

The international company DataArt, which develops technological solutions for the finance, travel, health, media and entertainment industries, announced the opening of an office in Yerevan on March 5, 2019. Arsen Baghdasaryan, who has more than 22 years of experience in IT, has been appointed head of the office.

Yerevan DataArt for the first time in the history of the company will combine the functions of the R&D center and the sales office. DataArt in Armenia will focus on promoting QualityAssurance (QA) - software testing and quality control, software development and support, business development.

The search and selection of specialists has already begun, the office is repairing and arranging jobs, housewarming is scheduled for June. It is expected that at least 30 specialists will start working in DataArt Yerevan by the end of 2019.


Revenue growth of 27%

DataArt grew by more than a quarter - the network's revenue increased by 27%, reaching $124 million. More than 600 people joined the DataArt team, two new industrial practices were created, and the Skillotron product attracted the attention of more than 8 thousand users around the world.

Medical practice DataArt in 2017 showed 26 percent growth, achieving planned annual revenue in 11 months and expanding the portfolio, including through the emergence of new clients such as Embody and PSI. The KidPro app, developed by DataArt, won the Pfizer Healthcare Challenge in Munich.

Financial practices contributed $44 in DataArt revenue. Among the major projects of the practice are the completion of many years of development of a new trading platform for Nasdaq FBMS and a new electronic voting platform for the National Settlement Depository (Moscow Exchange Group). In addition, in 2017, DataArt became a registered business partner of Pega.

Media practice showed 22 percent growth by signing contracts with nine new clients, including the broadcasting network USA in and a rapidly growing independent music distribution company in. European Union The practice strengthened ties with major music labels, publishers and distributors, establishing positions as an expert in metadata management Big Data , and analytics solutions.

Travel practices continued to grow steadily, starting with several new customers, including Travelport, Runtriz and Vestibule Solutions. In addition, DataArt was shortlisted for the Travolution Award as the best technology team in the travel industry.

IoT DataArt practice has published 33 percent revenue growth, expanded its offerings, including developments for the smart cars industry. At the same time, the practice team remains focused on machine learning, blockchain, data management, edge computing and cloud support.

Two practices presented: iGaming and Retail & Distribution

The company introduced two practices: iGaming and Retail & Distribution, each already working with a number of important customers. The Excellence Blockchain Center, also created by DataArt in 2017, helped implement projects in finance, media and healthcare.

More than 600 new specialists joined DataArt in 20 locations, the total number of personnel in 10 countries at the end of the year exceeded 2600 people. About a quarter of people began working in Russian DataArt development centers in St. Petersburg and Voronezh.

In 2017, DataArt presented a number of educational initiatives. Free IT courses for novice specialists were opened in Bulgaria and Ukraine. Restarted the online resource with 200 + educational courses and launched a unique platform for assessing the skills of Skillotron programmers. Since its launch in August last year, the new DataArt Skillotron product has already tested its skills for more than 8,000 developers from 54 countries.

2016:30% increase in income

Income grew by 30% and amounted to $97 million. A development center has opened in Bulgaria, and three new sales centers have opened in the United States. The total number of DataArt specialists by the beginning of 2017 reached 2,200 people, and the number of countries in which DataArt is represented - nine.

2013: Annual turnover growth by 25%

2013 was marked by a record income of $40 million for the company, an increase in annual turnover by 25% and the acquisition of more than 90 new customers. Almost all customers are in the USA and the UK, but in 2014 their share in continental Europe for the first time exceeded 3%.


On April 20, 2011, DataArt announced the opening of a new development center in Kyiv, which became the third Ukrainian office of the company. DataArt plans the new office to become the company's educational and logistics center. Kyiv has long attracted DataArt with academic traditions, proximity to Europe, and this is the first office to be reached from the United States by direct flight, the company said. The existing IT industry and many good companies already operating in Kyiv guarantee a high level of training of specialists and high standards in the labor market, DataArt is convinced.

"We are confident that soon the office in Kyiv will become the face of the company in Eastern Europe. It is now the most equipped for meetings with Western clients and partners, corporate trainings and seminars. DataArt plans to continue to develop in Ukraine, and the office in Kyiv will become the center of this development, "said Mikhail Zavileysky, CEO of DataArt
"I love that DataArt has a lot of complex projects. Almost everywhere it is a complete cycle of product and solution development on modern platforms. But the most attractive thing is that a fairly deep study of applied areas is required. This opens up many development opportunities for experienced professionals who are not satisfied with their further stay on the second line of offshore teams, "said Georgy Kremenetsky, leader of the development center in Kyiv. Reportedly, before joining DataArt, Georgy Kremenetsky was a service station at DMS Consulting
DataArt became the second international company after Microsoft Rus (Microsoft Rus), which announced plans to place Ingria in the Technopark, says Anton Potapov, General Director of the Ingria Technopark. - This is one of the leading software developers in the world, the company has Russian roots and extensive international experience and competencies, almost all of its customers are located abroad. DataArt's experience in bringing products to international markets will be useful for startups of the Ingria Business Incubator, which have high export potential. "
We began cooperation with Ingria, sharing our experience with Russian startups. Since the creation of the first version of Mail.Ru, more than 200 startups from the USA, Great Britain and other countries have collaborated with DataArt, this is a wonderful experience for us working with advanced technologies and business models. For young companies, DataArt is most often not just a supplier, but a partner, consultant, and sometimes an investor. In the technopark, the environment looks the most attractive for us, which will be created by both innovative companies, startups, and recognized industry leaders, "comments Mikhail Zavileysky, CEO of DataArt


Revenue growth of 49%

In 2008, consolidated revenues grew by 49% and reached the planned $17 million. Despite the global financial crisis, the company has large financial reserves and is free from credit obligations, which guarantees uninterrupted operations.

Award of contracts with 39 clients

In 2008, DataArt signed contracts with 39 new customers, including artnet, Send Word Now, and Misys. The company once again entered the world ranking of the Top 100 outsourcing companies according to IAOP (International Association of Outsourcing Professionals) and according to Global Services. The company attracted the first external investment in its history. The funds received in exchange for a minority stake were aimed at strengthening marketing and sales, supporting the development of development centers in Voronezh, St. Petersburg, Kharkov and Kherson.


In 2007, DataArt increased its turnover by 73%, sales in Europe six times. Together with the opening of two new development centers in the Ukrainian cities of Kherson and Kharkov and the expansion of the team in St. Petersburg and Voronezh, the company grew by 40%.

April 30, 1997 - the date of foundation of the company.

In 2007, DataArt began projects with 31 new clients, among them leading New York investment funds Cyrus Capital Partners and Harmonic Fund Services; HedgeSpeed Technologies is a provider of innovative integrated investment fund solutions; Betfair is the leading betting exchange. In 2007, DataArt received the status of Microsoft Gold Certified Partner Status (Microsoft Gold Certified Partner Status), for the third time in a row entered the ranking of leaders in CMP service providers, entered the 100 best outsourcing companies in the world according to the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals.


Technological innovation, creativity and openness are characteristic features of DataArt. It was these qualities that made the company the leader in development under Microsoft.NET, which was noted by Bill Gates.

Java and Internet Technology have developed many products and services that are used by more than 20 million people around the world.

  • In 2006-2008, DataArt was named one of the best emerging outsourcing companies by Business Week magazine, twice entered the list of 100 leaders in global outsourcing CMP's Global Services 100 and for the third time in a row ranked at the top of the IAOP (International Association of Outsourcing Professionals) rating.

  • In 2008, Aberdeen Group named DataArt the best R&D IT outsourcing provider in the service company category.

  • In 2009, for the third year in a row, DataArt was among the ten fastest growing software companies in Europe according to the "Top 100 Global Services"

Membership in organizations

DataArt is a member of:

    • American Chamber of Commerce,
    • British Chamber of Commerce,
    • associations, Russoft""
    • International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP),
    • New York City Executive Committee,
    • New Jersey State Technology Committee,
    • Offshore Outsourcing Professionals Association (OOBP),

External references