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1C-Rarus: Management of health resort

The name of the base system (platform): 1C: Enterprise 8.2
Developers: 1C-Rarus
Last Release Date: October, 2012
Branches: Tourism, hotel and restaurant business
Technology: ERP

2018: Integration with online management system for sales (channel manager) of TravelLine

In the spring of 2018 the 1C-Rarus company implemented integration with the Russia's first management system of online for sales (channel manager) of "TravelLine" in a line of the software solutions for hotels and health resorts.

Acceptance of armoring through TravelLine service is available in solutions now "1C-Rarus: Management of health resort" and "1C-Rarus: Management of hotel".

Administrators of hotels in the automatic mode can receive applications for armorings from the websites aggregators thanks to integration of solutions 1C-Rarus with the platforms "Channel Manager". Requests come to the program of accounting in the form of already filled with armor at once. Such functionality exempts the administrator from routine handwork which can occupy up to 50% of time. In addition, a system will independently recognize types of numbers and their free quantity for the dates selected by the guest.

Integration with a system can be performed in several simple steps:

  • Step No. 1. It is necessary to purchase and connect the module "TravelLine: Channel Manager". This module will allow to collect and trace all events which are taking place on the websites aggregators where your hotel is available to armor.
  • Step No. 2. Within technical support to address specialists 1C-Rarus for setup of integration of the module of API "TravelLine" about "1C-Rarus: Management of health resort" or "1C-Rarus: Management of hotel". Or to receive the instruction and to configure independently.
  • Step No. 3. The final stage — introduction of individual preferences, such as list of numbers available to armoring with "TravelLine", type compatibility of numbers \\rates, review frequency of information with API, installations of a quota the block, the progruzki of the prices and quotas for the period, etc.

After completion of works on setup, your system will begin work in the new mode and you not only do not miss any order, but also fully estimate efficiency of industry solutions 1C-Rarus for hotels as it was already made by more than fifty sanatorium and hotel complexes.

2012: 1C-Rarus: Management of health resort. Edition 1

Solution for complex automation of sanatoria, dispensaries, boarding houses, holiday houses, hotels and hotels. A system helps with the organization of operational activity of the enterprises, including accommodation of clients, a power supply and medical services. Certification of the program in 1C Company will allow to organize data exchange with demanded products on the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform - accounting, management of finance, management of restaurants.

The 1C-Rarus company received in the fall of 2012 the certificate "Compatibly! The system of programs 1C: Enterprise" for new industry solution "1C-Rarus: Management of health resort, edition 1". The product provides complex automation of the enterprises of sanatorium business: sanatoria, dispensaries, boarding houses, holiday houses, hotels and hotels.

Main advantage of new development is automation at the same time of three spheres of activity: accommodation, power management and medical services. The solution allows to organize support of operational work of the enterprises:

  • Management of the number of rooms;
  • Calculation of rates taking into account different indicators;
  • Individual and group armoring, online-armoring via the Internet;
  • Accounting of agreements and settlement with partners;
  • Management of maids, formation of a task for cleaning, planning and works monitoring;
  • Planning of a power supply taking into account the caloric content and diets;
  • Accounting of goods, semi-finished products, dishes and other tangible assets and also medicines and medicines;
  • Calculations of semi-finished products and self-produced dishes;
  • Work planning of medical personnel, other resources, accounting of medical services (procedures, laboratory researches, invoicing of recipes) to guests of sanatorium;
  • Maintaining the magazine of registration of foreign citizens and report generation for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, OVIR and the Office of the Federal Migration Service.

With new industry solution it is possible to integrate the different restaurant and cash systems – "1C: Restaurant 8", EXPERT RESTART, MAGIC, R-Keeper v.6. Data exchange with the programs "1C: Accounting 8", "1C: Corporate Finance Management 8" is provided. New development allows to connect the specialized equipment: tasksetters of telephone conversations, the system of Norweq and Onity electronic locks, magnetic and proksimiti-readers (for personnel access to data), fiscal registrars and a retail store equipment.

The functionality of a system is broken into separate blocks: "Accommodation", Power supply and "Medical services". The 1C-Rarus company develops several options of delivery depending on requirements of the automated enterprise:

  • The main delivery – only the Accommodation block.
  • Expanded deliveries – Accommodation + Power supply or Accommodation + "Medical services".
  • Complex delivery – three blocks at the same time.