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The name of the base system (platform): 1C: Enterprise 8.2
Developers: Taxcom
Technology: EDMS

Main article: EDMS (more)

2020: Ability to use 1S-EDO features

On August 8, 2020, the company 1C announced that the operator E-DOCUMENT FLOW LLC "" Taxcom(INN (7704211201, OGRN 1027700071530, OED identifier: 2AL, accredited FEDERAL TAX SERVICE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 27.04.2012, the official website of the operator), became part of the operators who supported the technology. From 1C-EDO August 17, 2020, users of updated 1C application solutions can register as an EDM participant with Taxcom operator and take advantage of the following 1S-EDO benefits previously unavailable in 1C-Taxcom:

  • users of 1C application solutions published using 1C: Fresh technology will be able to obtain the EDS participant ID from the Taxcom operator directly in PP 1C;
  • indicate email for receiving notifications about electronic documents, as well as specify the parameters for subscribing to notifications in the account of the EDM participant;
  • Enable 1C in the administration settings and set up a functional option to check for electronic documents (pop-up notifications).
  • update the registration data in the account of the EDM participant directly in PP 1C;
  • Bind one electronic signature certificate to multiple EDM member accounts.

Subscribers of the Taxcom operator, previously registered in 1C-Taxcom, will retain the previous capabilities of working in the service. The migration of Taxcom operator accounts to 1S-EDO is planned, but the migration date for the beginning of August 2020 has not been determined. 1C users will be informed about the date and conditions of this migration.

Since August 17, 2020, all subscribers of the Taxcom operator have been subject to simplified working conditions in EDM, namely: any 1C user whose program (s) is registered in his personal account on the ITS Portal, and the installed releases of the configuration and 1C platforms: The company is used legally, can become a subscriber 1S-EDO without first buying the 1S:ITS tariff.

In agreement with the Taxcom operator, the name of the 1C-Taxk product is retained, indicating the role of Taxcom LLC as the first EDO operator with whom 1C has released a joint solution for EDO users integrated into 1C programs.

2012: 1C-Taxco Joint Decision

On May 23, 2012, Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 05.03.2012 No. MMV-7-6/138 @ "On Approval of Invoice Formats, Invoice and Invoice Journal, Purchase Book and Sales Book, Additional Purchase Book Sheets and Sales Book in Electronic Form" comes into force (May 12, 2012 the order was published in Rossiyskaya Gazeta). Thus, the regulatory legal framework for the exchange of electronic invoices has been fully formed.

In order for 1C: Enterprise 8 users to get additional advantages from the transition to paperless technologies, 1C and the oldest electronic reporting operator Taxcom have prepared a joint 1C-Taxcom solution.

Among the main advantages of 1C-Taxco:

  • All work is carried out in "1C:Enterprise 8": preparation of documents, their signing, sending, storage, receipt of documents, formation of journals and registers, etc.
  • Do not waste time manually entering or downloading documents into the system from an external electronic document management program. Incoming documents in the information base "1C:Enterprise 8" are formed automatically on the basis of the received electronic documents - they can only be carried out.
  • The exchange of not only invoices is supported, but also other documents - invoices, acts, invoices, orders, etc.
  • All settings are made in 1C:Enterprise 8 in user mode.
  • Any certificate of electronic digital signature, which is recognized by the Federal Tax Service of Russia, is suitable to ensure legally significant electronic document flow.
  • Incoming electronic documents are not charged or paid.

Registered users of the programs "1C: Trade Management 8" (ed. 11), "1C: Accounting 8," "1C: Accounting 8," "1C: Accounting 8 KORP," "1C: Production Enterprise Management 8 ," "1C: Integrated Automation 8," who concluded the 1S:ITS Agreement, can connect to the exchange of electronic documents using "1C-Taxk."